studying stoned

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Serial_Chiller, Nov 6, 2008.

  1. quick question for all of you out there, have any of you ever studied or done a major peice of work while high? i am in uni (college) and have about 5 hours of study and hwork to do ahead of me thats all due in 2moz , should i light up? feel free to share you experiences and thoughts
  2. i tried that one day, not actual studying but i tried to do the work for class one day and i would just look at the paper and not even do it. i would think twice.
  3. i wouldnt if your prone to laziness/procrastination, it can make you say fuck it and go do something fun instead. id get some adderall youll get it done
  4. To be honest I lose my attetion span when i'm high so I just don't like to focus on one thing for long. I still retain the information, it just taken a little more will to stay focused. So if you can watch a hole movie high and be fine, you should be ok.
  5. dont listen to these guys. get all your shit out in front of you then blaze up. then you will look at your shit and say "fuck ya imma pwn this paper homie" and you will read shit in a different plane then you normally would and you will think out of the box. it will set you apart from your fellow students and you will feel incredibly enlightend

  6. i like ur logic man, no point not trying it worst happends i dnt do it and il know for next time. il let you know how it goes but for now i got the hard choice or a jay or hit the bong;)
  7. Just remember the key saying... If I study high, take the test high, I get high scores! :smoking:

    From personal experience... I would get all your homework done, and THEN smoke a bowl...
    Use it as a reward for finishing your shit.
  8. I find this is the best...getting high just causes me to spin my wheels not getting anything done

  9. would love to but by the time i finish all my shit its gunna be pretty late and i got a early morning, good motivational tool tho will use next time:rolleyes:
  10. Only you can know for sure. I usually look at it like this. If I have some work to do and a friend asks me to blaze, and i have to think about it, I probably shouldnt be blazing.
  11. You can study while not stoned? Shit.

    Of course, keep in mind, I just got stoned, and now I'm on GC rather then doing Chemistry. :smoking:
  12. haha, I've got 2 papers due this week among other things I have to get done. I'm so overwhelmed I don't know where to begin. Somehow, I'm getting through another semester. I think toking a little sometimes relaxes me and just lets me tackle things one thing at a time.
  13. #13 Prophet, Nov 6, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2008
    Man, when I am sober I am the laziest person you will ever meet. But as soon as I smoke a bowl or two I turn into the most industrious little fucker on the planet. I breeze through my homework and then start drawing, writing, sculpting, inventing, etc.
    I have never tried to study high, as I don't study, but I doubt I could do it....

    My teachers are always giving me shit for writing informal essays, but I just tell them, verbatim "fuck formality, name one conformist who has done great things for our world!" They never can, and I end up getting A's because my content is so much richer than all of the other kids.
  14. Haha I tried to do this same thing last night. Yeah it didn't work for me. I had to wake up early and finish my work in the morning. So that kind of sucked. But if you're able to do it then thats good.

    Like one guy said, if you can watch a whole movie stoned then you're good. I can't so i probably have a low attention span.

    So I wouldn't but it's up to you.. Good luck

  15. hahaha yer 1 hour in and i find myself on GC and listening to music rather than that other shit. damn , cant say im not smiling tho :smoking:
  16. doesn't work for me. i end up doing everything but lol
    it's all about priorities...
    study and then toke up, it's a nice reward for your hard work
  17. I say smoke, do your shit, and then smoke as a reward too! If you fail your papers or whatever, oh well. Life will NOT end, but you'll have the knowledge that you can't smoke and do homework in the future.
  18. I would just grab your one-ie. Take a few hits, finish your work, then get blazed.
  19. The trick IMO is to get high. When I'm high I can do homework, but as soon as I reach stoned, it's usually game over for an hour or so. Luckily my tolerance is so fucking high that I sober up after an hour anyway.
  20. it depends on how motivated you are to do it...if you're just looking for an easy way to maybe make it more enjoyable it wont help too much but if it's something you want to do then definetely go for it, sometimes i like to do projects high it it's something interesting

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