studying abroad in the coming fall

Discussion in 'General' started by Barcelona420, Feb 14, 2009.

  1. I am going to study in barcelona, spain for the entire 09-2010 school year. I will be a junior in college (I am currently a soph.). I cannot wait. No winter next year! anyways i was wondering if anyone has been to barcelona and how the weed was there. I have never been but i do know that marijuana is decriminalized in spain and very casual there.
  2. I spent my senior year of undergrad in Barcelona for fall semester, and then in Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal for spring semester. Both places have decriminalized cannabis, but I found it awfully hard to find anything other than Moroccan hash...but the hash was so fucking tasty that it didn't matter to me at the time.

    It was relatively easy in both places to find hash. In Barcelona you could almost always find someone wanting to sell you some in front of restaurants or bars, or in any of the numerous tobacco shops. In Portugal there always seemed to be gypsies trying to sell it to you, so if you ever make it over to Portugal watch your pockets.
  3. My info is a tad out of date -- I was there like 12 years ago -- but what stoner_lukas describes fits my memory perfectly. Copious amounts of very good hash, weed is harder to find.

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