im currently an environmental engineering student at rutgers thinkin bout studyin abroad in australia. anybody in the GC community been to school over there or lived there for that matter? anything i should expect or know, never lived outside the states, so just lookin for some help knowledge.
dunno what state ur in but qld is the drug capital sydney n melbourne are pretty scarce canberras pretty chill too but boring as hell =D
No idea but my friends sister went to study in Peru for a summer and loved it. Enjoy your stay if you decide to go. Wish i could go. Ive always wanted to sit in the pouch of a kangaroo
i live in Australia, Queensalnd actually and at times it is the shit, if you come here don't expect to see like koala's and kangaroo's and shit everywhere like on the simpsons. The pot can get really good like most places and because there's alot of bushland in most places you can get some really chronic bush if you know the right people. people are really laid back and casual just don't be a dickhead and get in peoples way like most places aswell. I don't know to much about the universities but alot of them are quite good. I've never been to America before but i think the people over here aren't so cliche and 'feed' by the media, most people have thier own opinions and know what's right and what's wrong sorta thing. Plus alot of the chicks LOVE american accents.
FUCK NO! Sydney lately has that much heat on 'cause there's been some pretty big drug raids there like a couple of weeks ago a place got raided that had 100+ plants in there over the years there's been some huge grow house raids, plus in sydneyand melbourne there's a fair methamphetimine labs going around.
im dry up in newcastle theres been about 3 raids in my area. as for schooling, i was talking to an american guy who came here to study and he said he loved it. he said the only real difference is the stuff in the supermarkets.
Check out the University of Adelaide... Its ranked 73rd in the world OMG!!!! Flinders University is also Awesome. To put it simply, Adelaide is fucking rad. We don't have harsh laws against pot (its legal to grow here), and theres great community spirit; you can sit down in any pub here and chat with complete strangers. Unlike the other states in Australia that boast about thier sophistication and progressiveness you won't be robbed/bashed/stabbed on the weekend if you decide to hit the town with mates on the weekend... most importantly you wont get bashed becuase your a foreign student (seriously, WTF is up with that Victoria?)
thanks for the advice guys id definetly have to meet the right people and get ahold of some good chronic, and laid back and casual sounds chill to me, no ignorant fucks that populate the lovey garden state.
we have heaps of american students at james cook uni. they all seem to love it. i just moved up here for uni, we got the great barrier reef and lots of rainforest n such so theres heaps of fun stuff to do.