student in need of grow operation

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by chronbronumba1, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. hey im a student and i smoke a lot of bud :)
    i should really be spending my money on things that will lead to my success
    but i enjoy bud a lot so i figure maybe i could figure out an easy way to grow weed
    unfortunately with my studies and responsibilities i dont have time to follow the very intricate but no doubt informative guides available
    could anyone point me to a step by step guide that simple to follow and will result in bud? hopefully good stuff too :)
  2. Not to be mean, but if you don't currently have time to research the information on how to grow, I'd advise against it until you are able to do so.

    There are too many factors involved in growing to point you in one direction - indoor or outdoor, soil or hydro, lighting, temps, ventilation, nutrients, ph & ppm's, strains, grow setup, your living environment, etc...and you'll need to make time to take care of them.

    Best advice I can give you is to read the stickies and read the grow journals posted in the grow sections on this forum.

    And if you're an underage student living at home with your parents - don't disrespect them and grow on their property / in their house. Wait until you're of age and in your own home.

    Good luck
  3. my grow is what your lookin for.... straight up bare bones son:cool:
  4. It's hard not to find a guide on the internet, and if you have time to post a thread, in reality, you have time to find a guide. Not only are there stickies all over GrassCity about how to grow, but this shit is all over google, come on. My personal favorite video guide is here.
  5. - qft!

  6. Im with him.. dont complicate things my friend. This is not a hard process. plant. food. sun. thats all dude. simple is the key. another suggestion, dont idolize your plants (give em names and treat em like pets or whatever) that causes impatience with the groow sometimes and leads to stress and fcuk-ups. treat em like a pot of water waiting to boil. These are just plants. anyway. I checked put your grow GanjaPO and +REP nice job my friend. keep up the good work and lets stop lining dealers pockets :smoke:

    BTW: I got a bare bones grow going myself, CFL Hempy Grow (GH nutes on that LUCAS FORMULA) in my spare bathrooms stand up shower. Just a cradle to hang the lights from and a fan :hello: this shits f-in easy. I post up my journal soon after the roots hit the res just to save everyone the boring stuff ;-)

    peace. love.
  7. #7 LAKush, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2010
    Want to give me your address and I'll stop by in an hour. I'll set everything up for free, and give you all the free equipment you need. Plus I'll come by everyday and do the watering and check them out for you. That way your lazy stupid fucking ass doesn't have to lift a damn finger at ALL.

    Is this the bullshit your parents taught you? Another fucking failure in life.


    [Shit like this doesn't fly here at the city. -FW]
  8. :eek: lol

  9. haha.

  10. thanks man, im a student in college who had hope maybe someone could point me in the right direction. what initiative have you taken in your life, asides from knowing you can bully people that dont know as much about growing mj as you? gtfo man. rly. and if youre high, youre one of the few who get MAD.;)
  11. I think the point was for you to understand, that this site in itself is a hand out already, and all you need to do is type a few key words into the search button and read for a couple hours.. Id have to agree with the guy..thats pretty fuckin lazy man.. So what that youre a student.. that shit has nothing to do with anything.. plus school isnt that demanding to the point where you cant read, type, flip a switch, click a mouse... If you can register for this site, make a thread, annnnnd resopnd to it! then you can figure the shit out by yourself.. cmon homeboy, get it together!!
  12. lol my grow is so ghetto.... i have a dishtub + powerbar + foiltape = my fixture which is being held up by a broken guitar input chord... yea it works like damn charm
  13. Sorry to say your not in the right place of your life to grow. Just smoke with friends and buy some time to time. Growing takes work, it also takes discipline not to talk about it or show it to anyone. When i was in collage people were always over, girls spent the night etc. Growing and not getting busted takes money and time. Also lose lips sink ships you need to lead a very private life to grow bud. I would wait a few years man, also you do have time to research things. When your in collage you have a lot more free time then someone like me. I use to work 50 to 60 hrs a week. I was reachable to my clients 24/7 by phone and email. If I could find the time to learn and set up a grow so can you.
  14. look man the problem is that there are way too many questions that you should be looking through the multitudes of answers for a solution that works for you. if you don't have the time to research then this is not for you, you can't hire people to set up a marijuana garden around here (yet!). go to the absolute beginners forum and read every sticky...there is a good start.

    also please don't act tough when people call you out on your laziness. that is all you're just didn't want to look up the answers yourself. if you have time to register, make a thread and reply then you probably have enough time to research.
  15. #15 LAKush, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    I employ 40 people daily in legit businesses and I'm working on starting my own charity to help homeless and dysfunctional people recover from their poor situation and get back into a normal life. I'd like us all to live in a good world and do good things and be good people. I'd like to help criminals turn their lives around (although everything is up to the individual). So those are ambitions and initiative. I am now 28, going on 29.

    I've been working since I was 15, started my own business with my savings at 19 and also started smoking bud for the FIRST time at 19. I make responsible choices. I do also make mistakes, but I try to learn from them so I don't keep making the same mistakes. I spend most of my free time reading and learning about ALL subjects. I am very ambitious in life and when I want to do something, I do it and I learn to do it right.

    Your post said "I'm too lazy to read how to grow weed so if someone could tell me an easy way to do it without learning anything, that would be great!". Or at least that is how it came across to me. Why do you think only a couple of people helped you? Most are sitting at home thinking how dumb you are but aren't like me and won't say it to you. Well I got news for you, I speak my mind and when I do reality and the truth is here.

    I only grow a few plants of MJ for personal use and I do not deal. I took the time to read and read and read. I've read literally 10,000+ pages of documents on MJ just to learn to grow dank ass OG Kush with huge THC %'s for personal use.

    But hey...what the fuck do I know. Just trying to help you.

    I'm sick and tired of MJ getting a bad reputation because every poor ass slacker wants to smoke and throw it out there in the world wearing an SRH logo on their shirt, with a bunch of tattoos and piercings that they themselves have no idea why the fuck they got them, but they got them because their "idols" have them.

    Example...why do stupid white idiots put Chinese lettering on them when they can't read it? Unless they are spiritually into something from China...why would you do that? Stupidity is the only reason I can think of. That one white girl had a guy tattoo Chinese characters thinking it said something cool and the artist put "dumb white slut" or something ridiculous on her and when she found out she cried about it. Dumb bitch got schooled in life. But she didn't learn, she just cried like a bitch. And the guy put the right letters on her, she was just a dumb white slut obviously.

    Moral of the story, don't be the dumbfuck in life. Hold yourself to a higher standard. If all your friends are out being fuckwads, good for them. If you enjoy being a fuckwad, good for you. But that life is just not for me.
  16. I took the high road, and I commend iAMdela for being nice and not rude like I am. I am harsh and rude and that is what this world needs sometimes. We also need people like iAMdela to be sincere and compassionate and all that.

    Take his post, read it carefully, and think to yourself real hard how you fucked up in the original post and then post your response. I'd be interested to hear it now.
  17. No truer words have been spoken. Read this about 50 times in a row before you start growing.

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