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Struggling seedlings

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by GIANNA8522, Aug 10, 2019.

  1. My seedlings are 13 days old. Look to he wilting and leaves are starting to yellow ? 20190810_121352.jpg 20190810_121352.jpg 20190810_121428.jpg 20190810_121412.jpg

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  2. Were you not happy with the 18 replies you got in your other thread a few hours ago?
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  3. no asshole I wasn't. Thanks for your help tho
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  4. Hopefully those things hurry up and grow so you can smoke n chill.... Many many one time users on here posting the same thing multiple times trying to 'hurry up' and get help. It's better to continue the post with more replies because more people will see it on the recent posts. Coming at a respected member like you did with @MickFoster WILL NOT get you any help at all.... Good luck
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  5. Coming at a respected member lol. That's funny and I have plenty of top shelf to smoke thank you. Maybe your " well respected member " shouldn't come at new growers like an asshole ? Ive never been a part of a discussion forum and as stated I am new. I got a few replys but not sure as far as a solution.
  6. You can laugh, but you will be gone tomorrow and he will be here for years. If you're new, then feel the room... You are the one asking, so you should approach with tact, and maybe you'll get some help. I know when I'm asking and needing help, Im not cussing people out. There's plenty of help to be had, but just like growing, you have to be patient. Sometimes the first solution isn't even the answer, so give us a little time and your answer will come up I'm sure. Just keep a cool head and know better days for your plant could just be right around the corner... Or if you'd like there are a few other forums if this on doesn't fit the bill....
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  7. Your a funny guy lol. Maybe your " well respected member " shouldn't come at new growers like a condescending smartass. Saying " am I not happy with the 18 replys I got ". Did that help my any ? What did he hope to accomplish saying that ? I'm not doing these posts for the hell of it I was under the impression this was a friendly forum about growing that could help me.
  8. Yes, i am a comedian by trade, so thanks.... A Friendly forum and yet look how you come at people... What more help was the one thread going to get you than the other one didn't? It gets annoying helping the same person on 12 different threads. I'm not going to argue with you about how you ask for help, but returning the asshole attitude isn't going to be productive. You see how I'm being perfectly respectful and just trying to get you acquainted with the 'forum' vibe...? Good luck with your grow, I hope things turn out.
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  9. #9 MickFoster, Aug 10, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2019
    I apologize to the OP for coming across that way. If I had known how it would have been perceived - I wouldn't have said it.
    Good luck to you. :)
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  10. No worries thank you buddy
  11. Any time you post a question about why something is happening with your plant, it is best to provide as much information as possible including:

    Type of lighting used
    Length of daily light cycle
    Temperature and humidity levels inside the grow area.
    Size of pot used.
    Type of medium, if soil what brand
    If you added anything to the soil, ie.. worm castings, guano, perlite, lime, and so on.
    Watering schedule.
    Any nutrients that have been added.

    The problem is that many issues you may run in to can look the same yet have different causes. Without knowing any information related to the above questions even experienced growers are just making a wild guess.

    Your plants are a good example. The wilting and yellowing could be from crappy soil that has compacted and caused root system problems, it could be from time released nutrients causing lockout, it could be from over watering which causes root problems, and probably a few other things that I cant think of at the moment. Posting plenty of info allows people to better help you. Even if you already posted that somewhere else, post it again because noone is going to search threads just to research your particular problem.
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  12. Sorry man I got you.
    1500 watt led light on 5 of them about 16 inches away
    6 t5 bulbs 54 watt 6400k over the other 6 and it's about 4 inches away from them
    I keep reading that humidity should be around 65 percent but it's tough for me to get there ( even with humidifier in the room ) I even hang wet towels in there to raise humidity. My humidity bounces from 50 to 60 percent.
    Temperatures range from 75 to about 79f
    Used fox farm ocean soil but not sure if something off with the bag I bought seeing as it's super lumpy for some reason. I haven't added any nutes because i was under the impression i am using a hot soil and wouldn't need them the first few weeks. Definitely been messing up as far as ph'ing my water though. Been watering with tap water and my meter is telling me it's about 7.5 ! So i flushed the biggest one with a ph'd water of 6.5 I'm hoping this does the trick? I'm using small pots with plenty of holes in the bottom and the lighting schedule is 18/6 . I even bought one of these new online fans that come with a thermistat and senses when to turn on and off automatically. Hope I covered everything man sorry I'm new lol. Thanks for the help bro
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  13. Shit tons of help now and you're fitting right in!! Glad to have you at GC !!!
  14. 20190810_121352.jpg 20190810_121412.jpg 20190810_121420.jpg 20190810_145909.jpg 20190810_150002.jpg 20190810_150331.jpg
  15. Glad to be here sir , really eager to master this Really appreciate all the help man
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  16. That's cool you guys turned that right around
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  17. We were all new at some point so dont worry about it at all.

    Your problem is not too much or too little light. To little causes stretching and too much causes bleaching and the leaves will turn white. Is 1500w the actual draw on that light, or the advertised wattage? There are so many shady led companies out there that it is better to go by actual draw at the plug rather than what is advertised.

    Your temps and humidity are fine. While 65 might be ideal, humidity has less effect on cannabis plants than most other factors. I grow in Colorado where our humidity can go as low as 10%, and plants do just fine. We dont normally get above 30% unless it is raining.

    Definitely too early for nutes in ocean forest so good call on not adding more.

    One thing you will find is that growers use a variety of methods. That being said, I dont ph my water at all when growing in soil. Good soil will buffer the ph for you, but if you are worried adding some lime to your soil mix can help. It also has the added benefit of supplimenting cal-mag.

    My guess would be that the yellowing is nute burn from the ocean forest. It does have a tendency to do that on the first set or so of leaves. I would just continue as normal and watch the new sets of leaves for damage. As long as you water correctly then I think the problem will correct itself. As far as the plant that is droopy looking, that could be heat, watering habits (ie too wet or too dry), or just the plant itself. Remember that the temp directly under your light is going to be higher than the temp a foot away from or above the lights. Also, understand that even when you do things perfect there will almost always be a chance of plants that develop oddly or poorly. We tend to look at growing plants with an assembly line mentality, believing that as long as we do everything correctly we will have good results. The reality is that plants, like humans, are subject to the occurrence of runts, freaks, and mutants for reasons beyond our control. One of the worst things we can do as a grower, particularly as a new grower, is to over correct problems that arent that big of a deal.
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  18. When using hot soils like fox farm ocean I used to mix 50-50 during the seedling stage till I up potted to the next size when the plant got bigger and had a bigger root system I then used full strength ocean or whatever your hot soil is.i mixed mine with pro mix and added more perlite...cant have enough perlite....once u get soil growing a 1 or 2 bucket dwc bucket wont go back to mess no transplanting less chance of bugs.cant over or under water they grow bigger faster and higher quality..clean the bucket out once a week and add new nutes...keep the ppm and and h2o temp down where they should be and baaammm ...just my 2 cents worth
    ..good luck bud

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