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Strong second pass from tinctures

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by gmantheman, Nov 28, 2023.

  1. I have been trying tinctures that I bought from a dispensary a few months ago. I noticed that sometimes I get what can be described as a strong second pass. This doesn't happen all the time. For example, I will take the tincture around 7 P:M, and around 11 or so the effects wind down a little but then around 2 A:M, the effects come back but are more prominent sometimes making it more difficult to go back to sleep. I am not sure if what I ate after taking the tincture had an effect. I think I had slightly higher-fat foods when I noticed the strong second pass.
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  2. I have noticed the same thing though it hasn't interfered with my sleep.
  3. I think it disrupts my sleep because I am become worried that the effects will still be present when I wake up in the morning and need to get ready for work.
  4. A "second pass" ??? or just still in your system??? The Indica I've made does not bother my sleep but I have noticed a "hangover" or still high Aura. :confused_2:
  5. #5 gmantheman, Nov 29, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2023
    I have seen that term used before. I am not sure of what to exactly call it. It's still in my system. I feel the effects gradually wear off but then about an hour or two later, I feel the effects are stronger than they were in the first hour or two.
  6. I guess you are talking about alcohol tincture, right? If that’s so, I think you first experience the sublingual effects and afterwards the oral effects - if you swallow too fast, not all thc is getting absorbed sublingual and you will swallow it. Sublingual will hit you first.
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  7. #7 gmantheman, Dec 4, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2023
    These have MCT oil

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