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Street lights and hermaphroditism?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Skippy2112, Jul 4, 2017.

  1. So just curious would a street light cause a plant to possibly hermie? It's 70 ft from the back yard. But covers half the yard in light.

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  2. I guess it would depend on the brightness of the street light. I've grown plants in our garden before which is pretty close to a street light (HPS) but never had any issues with it. Some of these lights they're using these days on street lamps are HID which is pretty bright. I know that for the plant to pick up the light and note it, it has to be of a certain strength. Lots of people get in trouble putting their plants outside in the spring/summer because they count early dawn hours as light and the plant doesn't register it and will start to flower because it's not getting enough hours of light powerful enough to keep it in veg. But I've never had street light/hermie issues myself before. Not sure what strain you're growing, but the auto varieties, from what I've read, are more easily stressed than photo strains. Lots of people who grow autos have issues with them doing all sorts of weird things. I've never grown them myself because I'm in it for weight. But they're pretty popular just pretty testy for some folks. But anyway, that's my 2 cents. TWW
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  3. I really found this very helpful. Granted this strain is from Royal queen seeds and is Auto Amnesia Haze from seed to flower in 80 days

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  4. Usually I'm in it for the weight as well just a freebie figured why not

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  5. yea it can cause ballz
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