Stream of consciousness

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Doormouse, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. I guess the philosophy forum is the best place for this sort of thing.

    I want to get a thread going where people simply write in stream of consciousness while high for however long and just post the results.

    There's not really a purpose to this, I'm just curious to see how others think.

    I really do need to write more…I miss it. I was never terribly good but it was almost therapeutic to the Ideas out of my head. Sometimes when fantasies don't go away they get obnoxious. This idea just replaying in your head again and again..the plot always progressing, but it doesn't matter you'll just start it over if you finish anyway.

    But once it's on paper? It's solid…It has no need to exist in the ether. My mind can move on.
    And once a story has taken shape, you can go back and change it as you wish, edit the parts that always bothered you. But then comes the real reason you never share your stories: you're scared.

    What if it's bad?

    What if you embarrass yourself?

    What if nobody likes it?

    It's much safer to keep it to yourself, isn't it?




    But then what's the point of the story being written? Does it really serve simply me? I don't think so…I think I want to share a story one day. Beyond a game of D&D, beyond the video games, any movies I've seen or stories I've read.

    I'm almost afraid to post this though. They idea of sharing thoughts is nearly petrifying. Sure I post on forums, but nothing ever truly personal. But I am interested to see how others think. A trade I suppose I'm interested to make.

    Who knows? Maybe this thread will simply go unnoticed, like so many others I've watched come and go. I've already decided I don't care.

    I now realize that I don't know how you really end a stream of consciousness piece…Do you just stop? Or is the point to try to wrap up loose ideas in your mind? I don't know why it matters, but it kind of feels like it does. I suppose the only way to end is really to jus
  2. :laughing:

    I had this same idea... same title and everything... yours will probably go unnoticed too...

  3. What do I write. no idea. fuck it, maybe ill write perverted thoughts about my mom. now that would be fucked up haha

    ok seriously, hmm. back to that fucked up idea. gay people. not into that shit. WHY would someone suck a dong? ridiculous

    man, i can only imagine what people on GC are gonna think when they read this shit haha. am i twisted or what?

    audio, music. we are music. in a strange way i think that's true. the orchestra of life is like a song. multitudes of elements, particles, cells, neurochemicals, blood pumping in rythm, brings about a song made from untold elements. waves of motion forming together to create a unique pattern. an image of something that when taken as a whole makes sense, while each individual part is itself an orchestra of elements, yet seemingly pointless without being associated with the entire system. it depends on perspective really. you can go deep into it in your minds eye. youll see different systems at different levels. subatomic, micro, macro. each layer is a new orchestra of activity giving rise to a unique piece of music.

    is there any point in describing it that way? it feels nice, but is it any better than talking about it in terms of biochemistry, or electricity? it seems to make it simpler, more intuitive in a sense. like you can feel it, but without the chemistry, without the science, you can't describe it. you can't explain the entire puzzle as if it's a puzzle. something largely coherent and made of seemingly disjointed pieces. where am I going with this?

    I want to remove the first things I wrote. they're disturbing to me. I fear being judged. But if I removed it, it would be dishonest. it would go against the spirit of this thread. i guess it's not that bad, in a way. we all have things that bother us. recurring nightmares or what-have you. i know why i think stuff like that. i've had so many horrible experiences with my mom, being insulted and abused on a deep emotional level. too fucking bad. So you were raised Mormon and it's a fucked up religion and yadda yadda. think of something interesting. think of something someone would want to read.

    post this already.

    why? im enjoying this. werd. lol. ok now it's gonna start degenerating. sigh. im tired. tired of being broke and feeling alone. tired of a lot of things. it depends on the moment though. i ran for a few miles earlier today. best run i've had ina long time. i think because i started swimming. just running and cycling were causing me to overuse certain parts of my body. the body needs balance to stay stable, and i was causing instability

    control systems

    the body is a control system

    Dr. Zoghi, control systems class. Is the body a control system? I suppose you could say that. that it's the most sophisticated control system on the planet. he said that, and I think that's true on a certain level. i hate that guy though. well, not really. he just really pissed me off. i shouldn't leave his name on here. dont know if i can keep writing, this is getting very personal. i should at least post what i've got

    control systems. i'd like to learn about them some more. and systems thinking. i love the entire concept of systems thinking. it can make the most incredibly complicated things simple. by breaking them down into a managable parts. it has a genius sort of elegance to it. just how fucking long am i gonna keep writing and expect someone to read this shit?
  4. The End ...... nope :devious: Im still stuck in it!
  5. some people think i mess with them. they think they see me a certain way, they get an idea in their head about who i am, and when they're sure, i do something, or say something, or don't do something or say something, which makes them change their mind. They doubt themselves because they were so sure they were seeing me right, that when this happens, it causes something to change. the way you saw me, had seen me, no longer makes sense, how you see me now feels like it must be the truth for sure. it is heavier, realer, more certain, more knowing, but yet, still a reaction to having this experience. This effects people in different ways, but what tends to happen is the way our relationship has been until then, changes.

    so, what if you see me a certain way, a way that i'm unable to be all the time? either i have to be that all the time, or something has to be changed, so that i don't have to face the fact that this is what is happening..

    you see, i feel i'm becoming something else, become something else, am something else, at different times, in different ways, to different people, but unless i show you all of me, at all times, i won't get to be who i really am, and neither will i get to know you.

    why does it matter? i could say because who i am matters. but i'm not sure who i am matters at all. what i say matters, that matters a lot, to me at least, but it's not always the same me saying it. sometimes i feel what i say comes from a bigger me, other times i'm much smaller and am as much like anyone else. Living a simple life, working each day, having what I need or think I need around me, doing what I love whenever I have the chance to do so, learning to find ways to love whatever I see that i feel i can.

    you have to see me as you see me. i can only say the words.

    i am not to be seen the way some would see me.

    but i cannot see myself that way either.

    for if i look at myself through your eyes

    what i see is not who i think i am.

    and how can i not be who i am

    for it is me.

    i always stand in front of you

    even when i am not there

    but who are you?

    who are you that looks at me?

    should you ever be able to see

    what it is you think you see?

    should you not just be

    who you are too?

    who are we then?

    are we not who we're supposed to be?

    this is all so esoteric

    when i experience the altered state

    this is what comes out

    i say it, see it, spell it, differently

    and i might make you think i'm something i am not

    at least whatever it is you decide i am

    because you cannot decide it really

    for once you do, then i can no longer be it

    some mental image that must be fulfilled

    for i am me and always will be

    but only me

    you see me if you can

    i see me as i am

    but i am not the same

    although i am

    so how to be the one

    you see me as

    without having to decide

    and am who i am

    but who am i really?

    why don't i use all the words

    i want to tell you

    to shake you by the hand

    to tell you that i see you

    for who you really are

    we can know each other

    in ways we have no right to

    and how can this not become

    something more than it already is?

    this is just a poem

    using many words

    it contains the truth

    of that i'm sure

    but not all of it

    i was once asked who i was

    accused of being him

    i didn't answer well

    nothing real to tell

    but i could've said it differently

    of that there is no doubt

    what words came out

    did not reflect the truth

    my ego cannot take

    itself along

    this ride it cannot come

    it wants to feel

    what it knows is there

    but in order to do so

    it has to change, be different

    for it is just an ego

    like we all have

    soft and vulnerable

    without the armour

    Just because you know

    you know you don't know

    and if you don't know

    then what can you know you know.

    sometimes i think you know

    and i know you know i know

    but you and i can't know

    for that means i won't know

    that what I thought i knew

    was not what i now know

    you know?

    some call it chosen

    i call it choosing

    may have been chosen

    still have to choose it

    working with him

    as he opens the door

    letting him through

    as i grow and see more

    needing him there

    to reveal what i see

    without being present

    all their is is just me

    whatever i see and whatever i say

    is really not me

    just my take on the way

    time to talk plainly

    if i was to be

    the one choosing to sing

    the one revealing these words

    the one needing to bring

    myself to the front

    so that i can but make

    each of you see

    that we're making a cake

    each part goes together

    without it no cake

    i can't just do this for me

    i can't sit here and take

    the credit for this

    even though i can bake

    i am the fingers

    he makes the cake

    this is me revealing myself, without reflecting you back, without needing to love you specifically.

    when i know what you need

    when you reveal yourself clear

    from the stillness out comes the words

    to tell you what is

    or what it should be

    you might not hear

    the words as i say them

    but say them i must

    and hear them you should

    if you're listening that is

    but not everyone does

    they think they know things

    and that gets in the way

    of what can come out

    there's no need to shout

    for nothing can be said to those who aren't listening.

    my mind likes to speak

    things out in this way

    it makes sense when i do at the time

    it tells things that are

    the way they must be

    without saying things

    as they must be.

    who is he that says things in my name?

    for he cannot represent me

    he cannot speak for me

    and yet he's giving it a good go

    i cannot be him

    for how can i be

    something that doesn't exist

    the moment i think

    i know who this is

    it's gone

    and i'm left holding an empty crown

    i once said that he'd have to come

    if he was there

    for i couldn't be him without him

    i opened the door and saw him come in

    he said he was coming to stay

    he walked with me from

    that moment on

    and you saw him

    but he still looked like me

    which is confusing of course

    because we look the same

    me him, him me, me him

    but how i look out

    and what i see once i'm there

    him me, me him, him me

    so what have you seen

    now you know me a bit

    what manner of man must I be

    is he this is he that

    only you can decide

    but be careful

    what you see may set him free.

    to remove the cover

    and be myself

    without needing to feel that i can't

    do whatever

    is needed to do

    to bring the truth into the light

    an urge to reveal

    things that change things

    and urge to be more than i am

    an urge to reveal more about me

    a need to become me the man

    so the pot that is empty is waiting

    for the new to be filled to the top

    and as long as it's all in there waiting

    there's no reason for it to be stopped

    it must come as it does

    in whatever way makes sense

    bringing me as it does as it goes

    all that matters is that i must make it

    through to being the one wearing the clothes
  6. Well perpetual burn if I had been on here in 2009(weird that they're almost exactly the same) I most certainly would have posted in your thread, as it is thank you for posting here:hello:

    It seems we've got a few posts already I just hope it keeps up. It's been fairly interesting to see how similarly I think like's almost reassuring. Like I'm just a little more normal than I thought. Though you all may just be crazy too lol.:smoking:
  7. I feel its presence, sometimes. in the wind, in my soul. sometimes vicariously.

    I open my self in order to receive but at least until now I close the door. I try to approach directly what was there but I find I cannot for it is no longer here.

    It's only in the moment that I can see what I see, cannot hold on to what is no more to be seen.

    It all makes so much sense but when I try to grab, it slips through my hands.

    There is no holding that which cannot be held, for it is always there, not where it once was.

    I feel it must be as it is, revealed unto me. What's left to achieve is that which I am to receive.

    Don't look at it directly, just take it as there.
  8. failing to be one, recognizing duality...
  9. a constant journey of temptations

    deception and redemption

    we are all on

    to serve or be served

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