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strawberry cough?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by irishndfan2, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. In the movie Children of Men, the character Jasper has Clive owen smoke some strawberry cough. He tells him to cough and it should smell like strawberries after he coughs. Ive never had strawberry cough but is that true that it smells like strawberries after you cough>
  2. no....the smoke sometimes smells a little like berry but if you cough, you cough
  3. dude REAL Strawberry Cough REAKS of Strawberrys when its smoked, and it tastes JUST like strawberrys, honest to god if it's real it TRULY does and it's fuckin crazy. I was looking today that it's not too high of THC content and I was like wtf? It's my favorite bud i've smoked to this day, I only got 1 fuckin gram of it, but a few different 3 times within a 6 year period =(

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