Strattera and Marijuana

Discussion in 'General' started by BlowJay, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. I have been searching around, and as always when dealing with marijuana information, I encountered many many contradictory 'facts' and 'studies'. I was just prescribed Strattera and I did ask my doctor whether I might experience any adverse effects when mixing the two, he didn't seem to think so. When I got home I looked around on the internet and didn't really find anything useful. I always trust my doctor as he is an amazing doctor, but I just want to make sure it is safe by asking others' experiences with taking the two drugs simultaneously. Some people seem to think that it is not, especially in the build-up period. So has anyone used both these before?
  2. Oh man Strattera sucks ass big time, at least for me.

    I have anger management issues and my doctor prescribed Strattera for me once. I became very depressed and suicidal and to top it off my pecker shriveled up.

    I woke up one morning and kicked the trash can all over the kitchen floor for absolutely no reason.

    Marijuana alone is the only medication for me. :bongin:

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