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Strangest thing you've smoked out of?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BaconDan, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. What is the strangest thing you've smoked out of? Mine was the first time i ever got high, i was with two other guys and we went down to the park to smoke. My buddy told me to grab a bottle of water, so i did. When we got back to his house, he was all like "guys, wheres the bottle of holy water my mom put on the counter?" I guess when i think about it, it was only water, but the thought of smoking out of holy water was really strange/awesome. After all, it was in fact some heavenly bud :p.

    I've seen like middle school kids smoking out of plastic pen caps, but there's no chance i would ever smoke out of plastic anything. Even acrylic bongs kind freak me out.
  2. My dumbass friend decided we would smoke out of door. it was his bud so i was like whatever, man. Its kind of hard to explain, but it was hollow.there was a little hole on the side we used as a carb and we smoked out of the keyhole ( it was an old styled keyhole) we covered up the other side of the keyhole. Then, my friend created a weird bowl out of a few household items and drilled a hole a bit above the keyhole, which is where he put the bowl. Surprisingly, it worked! It hit like a hardcore steamroller. Knocked us on our asses. I wish i had pics for you guys.
  3. WOW
    That soudns... intresting
    Who can say they smoked out of a door? Great.. i shoudl try that i have the old style doors in my house too.
  4. [​IMG]

    That's right, a motherfucking kazoo.
  5. 8th grade cant remember how but a pen heh heh :smoke:
  6. A Pop Can
  7. Car parts. Corner joint and a whistle looking thing that screwed into it. :p
  8. Alien Cup.

    My friend drilled a hole in between it's legs and put a straw in it. The carb was where it's asshole would be, and the bowl fit perfectly into the top where the straw would usually go. So it was like rubbing it's head, fingering it's ass and sucking it's dick to get a hit.
  9. A soda can for me. Also a tinny, but I don't consider that very weird so much as a last resort cause we had nothing else
  10. Just because the bong is acrylic doesn't mean the bowl is.. The bowl will be some sort of metal.

  11. Yeah, i realize that but 1. i hate smoking out of metal 2. its easy to imagine a plasticy taste even if it doesn't exist.
  12. My hand. I put a small pile of shake on my palm and held a lighter to it for a couple secs... not even long enough to feel the heat. and put my mouth near it and inhaled.... Surprisingly blew out a huge cloud..........
  13. Not really strange but...

    I was playing a practice round with my golf team, and luckily I was in a group with my bros. So one of them break out some aluminum foil and wrapped it around a tee so it was like a 2 inch cone. Loaded the bud right in it and chiefed on the course, 2 groups in front of the coaches. Ya..I was dumb back in high school...

  14. Golfing high would be sweet. Gonna try it this summer :D
  15. A bone pipe I made from an elk bone.
  16. Homemade bong made out of like a 30mm Round. It was called the Bongshell or bombshell. lol
  17. I was bored as fuck one day so I got a shoe and used decorators sealant to make it air tight and cut a hole for a bong nut to fit airtight in the toe. Only just worked. the best bit was freaking out my mates by waring the shoe out and then out of noware taking it off and smoking it like a pipe. It was a bit akward to smoke though and tasted like smokey foot cheese.

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