Strangest thing you've seen LSD put on?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by OzzytheTripper, Jan 23, 2010.

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  1. Hello again GC, I have a fairly simple question to ask my fellow astral travelers; what's the strangest thing you've ever seen someone use to store acid on?

    I recently found another connect who apparently had some very potent doses, so I made my way to his place and bought two hits and to my surprise he pulls out a stack of mint oreos wrapped in plastic and gives me two of them to munch on. I had my doubts at first, but about 2 hours after devouring the chocolaty goodness I realized I was tripping pretty goddamn hard.
  2. sour patch kids (weird for my area)
  3. Fruit Pastelles..
    Didn't see this, but my buddy who moved to the UK told me he made a score of em.
  4. I saw my fences turn into scary face's and start bouncing up and down but that was on shrooms lol:p
  5. ...dancing origamic men, made of news paper. I also have seen a subtitle ball bounce along the walls like when they play music on children shows...LOL

  6. Can't you read?:p

  7. hahah i was just about to mention them, I get doses on fruit pastelles fairly often. really yummy way to dose :D

  8. haha i just realized, man im so high sorry.
    for some reason i read The strangest thing youve seen on lsd?
  9. Shrooms.
  10. nothing but blotters. but i have a good idea. putting them on weed brownies. cuz youre gonna wanna blaze the whole trip, why not get high through brownies. i once ate a brownie right after i ate the acid, was delicious :)
  11. Grahm Crackers. They become gross and soggy when they sit on your tongue.
  12. altoids or sweetarts. Actually a cig pack, at a phil lesh show this lady gaveme a piece of her cig pack that was like flattened with drops on it. chilll
  13. Jelly beans! It was awesome :D
  14. a human finger
  15. Yes LSD "puts on" a show, a very visual one.
  16. French fries.

    LG put it in his dick hole.
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