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strange spourts..whats wrong ?

Discussion in 'Organic Grow Journals' started by zeeibi, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. #1 zeeibi, Oct 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2014
    Hey guys these autoflower seeds have sprouted but dnt seem to be moving for like 2 days now n they look a weird brown color :/

    any idea wats caused em? they are vision seeds amnesia haze

    the vege one is either chronic or ak47..cant remember which it was


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  2. should i replant? they seem dead n no idea wats caused it :( 
  3. They look pretty bad.  Could just be bad seed.  I'm assuming you aren't a total noob and have sprouted seeds before.  My Auto's went straight into their final pots and sprouted there.  The soil looks dry but that's really hard to tell in a photo.
    But I think them's a goner.
  4. these are autos from vision seeds :(

    have sprouted a few times all with 100% success..i normally water the pot when i plant em and cover it with cling wrap but this time i didnt and tried to keep the soil moist by spraying it few times a day..could it be that they dried out too quickly? 
  5. Could be too wet. Damping off, as it's called.


    Sent from somewhere over there.
    No, not there...over THERE.
  6. yea just looked damping off up and its defs that..maybe i kept em too moist with the spray bottle.

    fingers crossed this 1 works out, only got 1 seed left!
  7. did abit of research...jst went n sprinkled cinnamon powder ontop of were i planted it, supposedly anti-fungal so we shall see how it worked

    keen as to get the autos going! 

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