Strange Seedling Growth

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by jfworking77, Jan 19, 2024.

  1. This seedling started growing some strange top shoot. Anyone have an idea whats going on?

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  2. Let it grow see what happens maybe just a funky looking plant is all

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  3. LOL. Im definitely growing it. The top looks like the shoot mutated into a leaf cone. The good thing is that the 2 nodes below it are growing normal shoots.
  4. Well, here is the plant 2 weeks into flowering. As a Seedling, it topped itself and grew two main shoots. What I found interesting was that the stem or stock towards the top of the plant started to flatten out like a yardstick. They're three-quarters of an inch wide by 1/4 inch thick or so, stocks. I may know what caused this; I think the seed shell was stuck on the seedling too long, causing the first leaves to appear to form together mutated. I am leaning this way because some other seedlings started having similar mutations. Very interesting

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