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Strange Habits?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by GreenFever93, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Hey guys, i just discovered that i often find myself chewing on the inside of my cheek when im baked...i think i do this because i wanna eat munchies, so chewing on something is satisfying...i think it's strange too.
    What are weird things that you guys do when you're blazed/tokin up? I can't be the only one.
  2. lol its because your hungry
  3. Holy fork I thought that I was the only one who did that! After doing it for a while I kinda get a little piece of cheek that sticks out from biting it so much lol.
  4. Yeah I bite my cheeks really bad after I smoke. It's a habit I do when I'm not even high anymore haha.
  5. well I'm sure this happens to alot of people but I tend not to blink when I'm high and concentrated... which adds to the red eyes :rolleyes:
  6. wow... i do the same thing. weird.
  7. I tend to play with my hair and fidget a lot. i do those things occasionally while sober, but the weird short attention span you get when your high makes you forget you're doing it and you just keep on going and realizing it and then forgetting it. vicious cycle.
  8. weird... didnt think anyone els did it.
    i was honestly doing it before i clicked the thread.. haha
  9. I chew on my cheeks and lips to when high. It feels weird.
  10. Yea i bite my cheeks ALOT
    i can feel it cut up...
  11. Dont wake up with a big ass hole in the side of your face....
  12. I hella do this. It's wierd man, ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Then my dentist bitches about it.
  13. i bite my cheek too, how weird ... & i thought i was the only one
  14. Haha I don't bite my cheek, that's funny so many people do though.
    When I'm high and listening to music sometimes I move my eyebrows to the music.. I make them "dance" to the music lol and it looks really funny. I'll probably end up recording it once I get a laptop with a webcam. I can't do it when I'm not high though..
    I also dance (with my feet) sometimes when no one is home and I am high.. that gets tiring faster than you would expect though, but it's fun :)
  15. i like chew/ gum my thumb. stick it way in the back where my wisdom teeth would have come in and fucking knaw. Idk why i do this it was somesort of habit i developed whilst on the computer as a kid. Only my left thumb though for some reason, Im just realizing now this is due to the mouse being the right hand? And Im chewing on my thumb due to the pron. Anyways though I got mad callouses on my shit, its kindof hilarious i pretend its from tennis.

    but about the cheeks thing, i do it too, ask a sociologist I imagine its a fairly common human behavior

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