Strange growth on flowering plants

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by charliebabb, Jan 5, 2020.

  1. Hi all, i have 10 plants in FFOF of various strains that are in week 2 of flower. I feed every other water and water about every 2 days. All was going well for the first two weeks and then i started noticing strange deformed growth on most all of the plants. To me it looks like growth similar to a plant that has been re-vegged from flower. Any thoughts on this issue?

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  2. Bump. Thanks!
  3. Whats your PH???
    Kind looks like nutrient lockout, with to much nitrogen being uptake by the plant. May also be overwatered.
  4. I would say if those were mine I would start with a flush, remove all dead and damaged fan leaf, wait a few days for the soils to dry up a bit and start feeding them lower N and higher PK levels, if using flowering nutrients start off with a half dose no more then 3x a week, maybe even just 2x a week feeding with watering when needed. You don't need to feed every watering, I've found myself it doesn't help to overfeed. This causes all kinds of issues that will in the end cause small fluffy buds. I'm just into week 4 of flower this run and just lastnight gave them a max dose of nutes, and see today the leaf tips have curled a bit, telling me I have to cut back on dose next time.

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