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Strange Firecracker idea

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Pmorris1898, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. Hi everyone, I was wonderin if anyone has ever tried making firecrackers with Cheez-its and how well does it work? Also, anyone have any other good ideas for firecrackers besides the basic peanut butter on a ritz thing? :smoking:
  2. People probably have tried it. Any "cracker" will work to be honest, people just usually say Saltines, Gram, or Ritz crackers. The crackers don't really have much effect on the process of THC absorbtion into the mixture, so any cracker essentially works. Some crackers are more preferred due to if they break or not, taste, ect.

    Nutella also works well as a spread, butter can work, and any other spread with a high amount of fats and oils.
  3. I just saw the last tag and was wondering why you added scrotum? o_O :eek: :confused:

  4. I do the regular with an added marshmallow and melt some chocolate (a minute in the microwave and just stir it with a toothpick) on top. It tastes like ass once it's cold but when me and my buddies have had the oppurtunity to eat them hot they are actually decent tasting.
  5. I chose the tags for my threads with the utmost care, but every now and again I throw in one that does not quite fit amongst the others. It is your job, no dare I say it, your responsibility as the person replying to my thread to find out which tags do not belong. You sir, have figured this one out. My hat is off to you good sir.
    Fine Work.

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