Strange Driving Stories?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Loogie, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Hey GC, just figured I'd start a thread on this, since there doesn't seem to be one already.

    This happened in the fall of '09. I was driving home at about 1:30 am and I was about 5 minutes from my apartment. I come to a turn in the road where the guardrail ends and it turns into residential. Right where the guardrail stopped was a garbage can, and right next to that I happened to notice a pair of feet and a long dark mane of hair. I thought "wtf, dead body?" and turned around to investigate. As I pulled up on the other side of the road, I saw that it was, in fact, a girl sitting there on the curb, rocking back and forth.

    I called out "excuse me, is everything alright?"
    She gets up and walks toward the car. This is when I realize that she is rather sloshed and smelling strongly of beer. After a quick chat I learned that she had gotten into a fight with her sister involving swear words and flying furniture/dishes. I felt bad for her, and offered to take her into town to meet her boyfriend. She was very drunk and it was chilly outside, couldn't just leave her there. What if I hadn't come along and some creep had instead?

    Many weird things happen to me while driving, perhaps because I do most of my driving at night... I was once hailed by a guy and girl who asked me for a light... At 2 am...

    Anyone else have an interesting/weird/touching road story?
  2. i give desperate old freaks rides all the time, and they smoke me out.

    i just moved to where there's snow i've been slip n sliding my car all over the goddamn state\

    i pulled a 250 yard long slide on the state road the other night. first right side first, then rotation to the left side first, then a slow 360 spin. as soon as we realized we werent hitting a tree we were crackin up

    im not allowed to drive at all

    im driving my babymama to get an ultrasound on monday

    cant think of anything else driving related
  3. I love driving in the snow, always an adventure...
  4. Some ancient history.

    It was back in 1983, and I was driving down to Long Island to with my BF of the time for christmas break, and we were taking a friend of his who lived in NYC along and dropping him off, and he would be riding back to SUNY Geneseo with his sister afterwards.

    So there we were, we turned off on Little 9th and headed east. It is a one way alley that sort of snakes through Greenwich Village. It was only a little surreal when we hit the intersection with the hookers dancing to no discernable music, but it was cool. Got to keep warm/do something when you get bored. The 2 guys fapping each other off halfway down the block in public was very strange. So being half stoned ourselves, we went around the block and looked again because we couldn't decide what they were actually doing.

    I wonder if somewhere on a gay forum there is a "no shit there I was, my first mutual fap and this car of kids cruised us TWICE post."
  5. Damn, that must've been... a helluva sight...
  6. Driving stoned is never a great idea to begin with, but it is fun.

    The most memorable drive is when we went down a haunted road and heard drums in the distance. Either it was indian ghosts or a KKK meeting
  7. Hmmm, well when i still had a permit... I would get high then drive with my mom in the passenger seat. Sometimes I would zone out and not even notice a red light, or make any effort to stop. I swear, I just didn't see em!

    EDIT: Oh fuck, I guess that's not very strange. Oh well, driving story.

  8. i drive high more then i drive sober...............
  9. That used to be me before I got a DWI. I can drive perfectly on any drug except psychs, no matter how wasted I am, but it doesn't mean I should...
  10. i rode passenger through an old reservation once thats kind of deserted usually down in the middle of nowhere rolling a joint we come around the corner to a huge bonfire and a shit load of native americans dancing around and screaming...dropped the joint on the carpet and got the hell out
  11. Thats nice...:confused:

  12. i wasn't trying to call u out bro lol

    im just saying...

    but yo that quote in ur sig what is that from....its so familiar but i can't place it
  13. Hey Guys,

    This is basically my first post on this website, even though ive been visiting GC for ages now :wave:.. But this thread definitely made me want to post my own story about driving while stoned. Well lets get into it..I personally wasn't driving, my best friend was. Lets call him C.. Anyways, I asked C to pick me up because i was going through a lot of stress and i just wanted to relieve it with a nice bowl packs and a good friend to vent to. So he only lives about 5 min away, so he comes and picks me up and i asked him if he minded if i were to light up in his car. He had no problem with it (The reason i asked was because he just bought a brand new civic lol). So i light up and we just start driving around these back roads in my town. Now we usually always smoke around my house because im DEEP into my little community that i live in so not many cops really go scrounging around looking for anything suspicious. So about 2 hrs go in and im fucking baked maan. It was to the point where i was having mild hallucinations (You know when you SWORE you saw something run behind the true and such :p)..So i was bugging out at this point because i kept thinking something was following us.
    So later on my high kinda wears off and my friend C needed to wake up for work the next morning so we were on the way back to my house. We were on the main street because it was the quickest route and he wanted to test out the vtec that was in that bad boy so i had no problem with it. As we were getting closer to my house, I kind of blanked out and started looking down the side streets. As we approached a stop sign, i looked to my left and saw a dead end. So i look down the dead end and see a single street light on by the end of the dead end. I was a little spooked out because it was pretty creepy just staring down this long street (Also doesnt help that i have an insane imagination, so you could only imagine what i was picturing). So as we were passing by, (For some reason we were going so slow) I saw a man in a red robe down the block staring at us. It almost seemed as if he had no face, Since i saw his hair perfectly fine. But i could make out what he was wearing. Basically at this point my face was like :eek:...and my friend C was like, "Dude whats wrong"..So i look at him and just paused with fright and he started laughing..I remember rubbing my eyes and looking away and saying "Dude i feel like i keep seeing things"..And hes like, "Bro that was some good bud ;)"..We both chuckle and i look back down the road and see the man still staring at me. So I bug out because i rubbed my eyes and looked around before i looked down the same street and saw him again..So i knew it wasnt the highness that was making this projection that i kept seeing. So i start flipping out (My high at this point turns completely upside down) and start screaming, "C..C WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT" and hes like.. "Lets check it out :smoke:" ..(I still dont understand why my friend would do that to me even when he saw that i was bugging out) But anyways, so he reverses back to the street and starts going reallll slow towards the dead end. And as we were getting closer I started seeing the Man, or whatever it was started walking fast, almost into a sprint to one of the houses backyards..I was never so scared in my life, I sunk into my seat and couldnt even speak. (You know when you or one of your friends drops like a bong and everything goes into slowmotion and you just cant move, well basically that was the feeling i had going down this long dead end) So we reach the end of the block and he vanishes..the dead end was a coldasack type deal and my friend pulls right into the heart of it. Now, i swear to you, that streetlight that i spoke about earlier, went out once we reached this end. So i look at my friend C and just waited for him to make a move and he froze up. I was so scared at this point i was just staring at him. It looked like all the blood from his face just went away, i never saw him get so pale before. And i turn around and say "Dude, Dude, Whats wrong, lets get the fuck out of here dude"..A good 15 seconds go by (felt forever), and he turns to me slowly and says "Bro, i dont feel good".. It felt like something out of a fucking horror movie..I was honestly so close to crying, "So i start yelling "PULL THE FUCK OUT DUDE PULL OUTTT" Finally he snaps back into it and whips that bad boy out and he guns it out of there. It was around 2:30am..After we got out of there his face was still pale white and he didnt even want to think about what just happened (It was like he got possessed or something lol). I refused to let him drop me off because i DID NOT want to walk to my house all alone in the fucking dark after seeing that figure. He ended up dropping me off like 30min later and i never ran so fast to my house before, Even in my room i felt like something was watching me. A couple of weeks later we hit the dead end again and it felt like it was a normal block, Weird huh :p
  14. lol define strange...i once fell asleep at the wheel and drove ff the road....:smoke:
  15. Pretty much why we sort of went around for another look :eek:
  16. One time, immediately after smoking, I hit a young deer. Went right over it. Of course, my truck had no damages whatsoever. Crazy, strange, and for some, sad driving experience. Personally, since my car was fine, I'm happy with how things turned out.
  17. I ran a red light once,no wait twice...

    Both on accident,but to anyone looking it would seem highly
    intentional because I was going 20 over the limit both times.

    Yes,I'm THAT guy when I drive.
  18. November of '09, I was driving around 3:30am with 3 other people in the car, all blazed and each on an eighth of something rhyming with brooms ;) (bad idea, I know). Anyway, we were on kinda a back road (live in small town) but I remember there were sidewalks, and there was a car driving down the sidewalk backwards :eek:. We were all so fucking confused but we knew it was real because we all saw it...then again, it could have just been an ordinary car driving down the road that our minds warped a little :rolleyes:

  19. Those shrooms must have sucked because there is no way
    you can tell what's real or not if you're peaking.

    Let alone operate anything more complex than a TV remote.
  20. I've driven, high out of my mind, passed a deserted flaming truck in the middle of the night in some woody, lesser traveled road. That was worthy of a double take.

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