Strange discoloration

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Jacques Strappe, Sep 22, 2023.

  1. Anyone have an idea what this might be? Not seeing anything in the charts that seems to match up.
    All plants are in the same soil with same nutrients. Only this one is doing this.
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  2. But I think you may be right after looking around some on mg def. I had been feeding them a tomato fert which could be the culprit. Trying a epsom salt folair feeding.
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  3. Your foliar application of Epsom salt won't hurt. But, should let you know if it's a magnesium deficiency.
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  4. Could be Magnesium, but my guess is low potassium.
    Given that you've been feeding your plant, I'd assume there is no deficiency, but either a pH issue or an imbalance between Ca/K/Mg.

    Potassium def can appear like this 'halo' effect. Then the tips look burned.
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  5. @trojangrower , I was under the impression he's in an organic medium and re-amends between cycles.
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  6. That's a cool mutation, sometimes it doesn't affect the yield or so I've read
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  7. It could be ph related also. I was using a tomato fert on the JPs and runoff ph was low. I switched to a diff fert but thus one may still be a little low. I washed in a little baking soda. I don't want to lose her but this could be valuable knowledge for the future. I'm heavy into experimentation this run anyway.
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  8. I do follow the old feed weakly weekly adage though. This bloom fert I'm using has good cooties in it.
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  9. Ok, I'm going to tap out on this issue with so many different variables it would be hard to diagnose. I grew drain to waste in coco coir using General hydroponics trio and then cocotek. I also grew using Fox Farms line of soil and nutrients. I've found mixing growing methods can cause more problems than it's worth. Now, I grow in an organic medium and have the least issues.
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  10. Ja ja no worries Tim. Appreciate the input.
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  11. this is always the first thing you should take care of. I suggest looking into calcium carbonate as a pH up, or potassium hydroxide, instead of using baking soda; you can use the soda, but it is composed of sodium.
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  12. idk, he never described. I agree with your earlier post about variables, although I think pH and/or overwatering is the issue.

    @Jacques Strappe if u r in organics, best to follow Tim's lead.
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  13. I think ima go a different route, but can be completely wrong.... I think your plant is a dud plant. Pointed leaves, weak stem, discoloration. Look at the plant next to it, I see its leave strong, green, great color.

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