Strait tube labeled 5280? help plz.

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by DjPurpleDoja420, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. #1 DjPurpleDoja420, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
    My friend is about to buy a used tube for like 20 bucks and the label on the neck of the glass reads "5280". Im assuming it is locally blown since Colorado's elevation is 5280 ft or one mile high!:D
    But what i would like to know is if anyone knows who blows these tubes. It is just a strait, clear glass on glass with a 5280 label
    anyone know who made it? and is it good quality?
    any info helps!
  2. if its glass and for 20 bucks you cant really regret it unless you drop it lol
  3. yeah man if its 20 bucks you cant really lose

  4. This is true, i'm interested in finding out who makes them though
  5. How tall is it? I bet it's thin glass but it is only $20. I say go for it or try to bargain for lower.
  6. its just used. The seller is trying to get rid of it so hes selling it for cheap
    and its about 18 inches
  7. wow a 18inch gong bong for $20 thats sounds like a great deal, hopefully you find some info on who makes it

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