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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Mattattack, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Does anyone ever actually feel like they can legitimately tell the difference between the effects of different strains of weed? I'm not talking about whether or not it's potent weed but if one type feels slightly different than the other.
  2. im sure its a skill that requires many years of smoking, i have heard that joints or pipes give the most accurate taste rather than bongs but dont take my word for it. unless your gonna be a judge at the cannabis cup then just give it time, you will start to taste the difference after a while. hope that helps a little.
  3. I can and its only been about that way for me in the last three years. The best way that I can tell is with a .1 gram glass bat either cleaned or new ( cant be dirty) I will use beeline or a wood match to light the pipe ( this is for taste). I then sit for about 15 minutes to fill the effect of the bud. Is it stoney or euphoric, the potency etc. I like the .1grams bc its just enough to catch a buzz off of and let you know the "true effect" of the marijuana. I would have to say that my favortie strain is Orginall blueberry for taste and high. Although I havdn't tried some of the other well known tasty strains. I typically will pass of strains that are skunk or skunk crossed I don't care for them all around. Sometimes I may eat a cracker and drink a glass of water inbetween strains to grab the taste. I have been smoking for 13 years and like i said the last 3 have been were I can really tell a difference. I also now only smoke out of glass one hitters as well. If with friends Ill puff on a pipe or bubbler.
  4. With the more popular ones they can have a different taste. Don't get me wrong I can't tell just by smoking what the strains are. But I can tell which are indica and sativa. And I can also tell if two strains are different if I hit each.
  5. I could if I reeeally bothered with the time.

    For one thing, I'd have to go to a dispensary or cannabis club to actually get weed that has are generally consistent with their so called, "label." Like the person above me, I'd have to gauge the euphoria, duration, how much high it is affecting my body(high that is a head high, one that reaches to my spinal chord, affecting whole body, etc)

    Mostly though, I'm a light weight and a slave to my senses. I get high off my runners high :). So with realization of a foreign and or internal self-drug to my body I can mark things differently and stuff...Of course, this doesn't work too well because I smoke generally with friends. Smoking with people and or people you love=mix emotions=too much work to decipher out if its weed or not.
  6. I can feel the difference between every kind of weed i smoke. They have a tiny but of difference sometimes a big difference. You just gotta pay attention lol
  7. Dang, you guys really helped. I don't know if it's cause I'm high or not, but I feel very gracious. Thanks. :eek:
  8. I can tell indica from sativa, but these guys who claim they can identify strains just by smoking them are bullshitting. There are a bunch of people who can recognize the name brand strains by knowing what it looks like and how it smells, but there simply isn't enough variation in taste from strain-to-strain for me to honestly believe their claims.

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