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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ImmortalGropher, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. So, since I'm a newbie to smoking, should I (or anyone) really be concerned with different strand names? I've read around here before and saw "who cares? as long as it gets you :smoking:"

    I suppose I could stand by that statement for the most part, but are there really massive differences between KB, dro, dank, etc?

    I've been wanting to try blueberry, but I figure if I can get a decent amount of stuff for 20 bucks that gets me retarded and goofy, I'm good. haha. I've been smoking some dank a buddy sold me and boy does it get the job done. Just figured I would pick all of your brains :).
  2. well smoking bud is like drinking wine, it has its grade and own unique chracteristics . it all comes down to ur preference of what u like so hence thats why there are strain names. just like candy they all taste sweet and have their own names but what do you like, chocolate, skittles, fruity, get the picture
  3. good answer it all depends on you big dawg

  4. thanks bro stay lifted :smoking::wave:
  5. Haha, thanks for the analogy, it makes sense. I've read on here about a lot of people sticking to mids or something because dank is too much. Somehow I got lucky and got 3.5g of some home grown dank for 20 thanks to a friend, I can get KB through my cousin's friend. but a lot less for 20 lol.

    Thanks for the link, I will check it out!

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