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strains that won't cause heart racing?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by relief2, Aug 23, 2008.

  1. Not to sound like a dick but if i took 5,000 people and had them all hooked up to EKG's they would ALL have an increase in heart rate after smoking weed. Its not a state of mind thing its the way marijuana affects you're body. If you're theory of heart racing is true then people who meditate and have no anxiety problems would maintain a stable heartrate throughout and after a smoking session. That never happens.

    If you want to prove me wrong monitor your BPM 30 minutes before you smoke, right after you smoke, then 30 minutes later. Id almost bet a paycheck that you're heart rate goes up on the last two tests. And to prove its not anxiety causing the heart rate increase lets get someone w/o it to try this.

    If you can maintain the same heart rate you started with 30 minutes before you smoked(Make sure its resting.) then there actualy might be something wrong with you.

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