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Strains that are better smoked than vaped

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Gitindizzi, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. It seems to me that smoking some Kush is 'better' than vaping..since Kush is renowed for the body high, and smoking the weed will combust the "Kushy" cannabinoids. Can anyone else impart wisdom towards this theory?

    Ive only been vapin for a few months, btw.
  2. not sure but i think vaping can give indica high if the bud is high cbd

    even if not, your ABV bud will have A TON OF CBD/CBN for your edibles

    so either way none is really wasted and it's still based on preference
  3. Vaping releases mainly thc I thought:smoke:
  4. I've definitely found that vaping gives me VERY little variance in the kind of high I get as opposed to smoking. When I first got my MFLB I thought it was the shit for months, ordered a DV, and several weeks after loving my DV I became bored with vape highs.

    I like to use it once in awhile still but it's definitely not a daily driver anymore :(
  5. Vaping is fun once in a while but I feel I always prefer smoking no matter what type of headies I have

  6. I got a MFLB as an investment...I just love the conservation aspect of vaping. And of course the flavor packed high..sativas especially really are amazing out of it:D.

    What is this "DV" you speak of though

    If by headies you mean thc receptors may differ in comparison to yours :smoke:

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