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Strains & Prices

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by MotherOcean, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. Hey GC.

    So im curious to find out how much weed costs in your area. I know this has been up on here before but i couldnt find it and i bet everyone likes to do price checks.

    So lets say post your cost for amount and if you remember/know if it was schwag/mid/kind say that too. And the Strain if you know it. Just give us that kinda info..

    Out here in S. OR im paying about $10 a gram for quality mid's. But my dealers dont really say the strains to often.

    now lets here from around GC:hello:

    About to light up some Soul Diesel good shit got for free from a buddy f mine!:smoking:
  2. southside VA

    10 for 1.6
    20 for 3.5
    35 for 7.0
    50 for 14
    and 100 to 110 for an o

    20 for 1.2
    50 for 3.5
    100 for 7

    prices vary on who you know but relatively all the same
  3. NJ shore area

    Mostly depends on the dealer ive been hooked up and beat before

    high mids -
    $15-20 - .8
    $50-65 - 8th
    $?? - 120 quarter

    Recently just picked up "Sour D" from one of my friends and hes been hooking me up lately
    $15 for .8 bags

    and from the same person i got some purple bud not sure the strain but its smokes and tastes real good

    $15- .8 bags
  4. Im in the philadelphia area

    my mids are usually
    35 for 1/8
    70 for 1/4

    dank is around
    60 per 1/8
    110-120 per 1/4
  5. Charlotte NC

    Mids can be anywhere from $60-100 an O. If you arnt buying an O its about 5/g.

    Dank is 20/g; 30/1.8gs; 60/3.5gs; 100-110/7gs This is pretty standard in all of NC except in Boone or Greenville where you can get dank for $45/3.5 but its not as good. Still $60/3.5 for the best stuff in both boone and greenville.

    Ounces are anywhere from 300 - 400
  6. Here in Canada, the most i have to pay for some bad ass dank is like $17.

    I might be picking up some Sour D for $10 a g today. Stuff like Purple Kush is about $15-17, while Afghan Kush is about $10 a g.
  7. I agree. Canadian stoners have it good. The most i've ever paid for some dankkedy dank is like 15/g. Normally its about 30 for an eighth across the board, and standard expansion prices from there (60/(1/4)) etc
  8. I get my weed over here for $10 a gram, always bomb.
  9. last few pickups:
    $110 for 1/4 - [weighed at 7.1g] No Name (low mids) *Overall, terrible pickup and haven't bought from him again
    $100 for 1/4 [weighed at 7.8g] - Sweet Island Skunk (Kinda but not tops) *Overall, great pickup - especially for this area
    $60 for 1/8 - [weighed at 3.6g] Pure Purple (Kind but not tops, a little more indica than the Sweet Island Skunk) *Overall, a good pickup but a little much for an 1/8.
    $100 for 1/4 - [weighed at 7.3g] Bubble Gum Kush (High Mids) *Overall, another good purchase.

    *Overall, someone new to the area would pay about $65 for a 1/8 and $120 for a 1/4 in the area for mids, so I can tell from my prices that are lower than any of my buds' [although we buy together a lot] and that I often get a little extra that dealers appreciate business and you'll get better prices, better quality, and better quantity (and that is true anywhere)

  10. Really?

    So Cal


    Its basically the same price for every kind of weed around here..

    Eighth of purple kush was 40

    quarter of bay area kush was 65

    eighth of Critical Mass was 40
  11. western washington

    w/o hook up:

    20 a g

    15 a g

    10 a g

    shwag or worst:
    5- a g

    where i get my shit:

    16 a g

    10 a G

    7 a g

    5- a g

    i love being local,
    im never moving.

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