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Strains and potency question

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by vapeEVERYday, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. I got into an argument yesturday with a friend about what determines the quality of the bud. He thought that if you have a seed with a good strain its going to grow into a heady plant and if you have a bad strain(seeds you got off a middy plant)it will grow into a middy plant or shwag. I thought that its all about how its grown and even middy seeds can be grown into dank if you know what your doing. Can one of you blades help us out?
  2. It's all about how its grown, for the most part, genetics determine the kind of high you'll get from the plant, proper growing conditions will ensure the plant is dank and covered in trichomes.
  3. I don't grow, but i'm pritty sure your set-up is more important than the strain. Although genetics are important too...
  4. your friend is a GOOF!

    my uncle's mexican brick schwag has seeds that grow into the greatest weed i've personally smoked.

    EDIT: probably isnt mexican cause we're in Canada but it was shittttty ass bagseed and it grew into perfection
  5. Why would he argue with you when he's talking out of his ass?

    No, you can have the best strain ever and if it's grown like shit it'll be shit.

    HOWEVER, there are strains with better genetics which basically increases the potential to be able to grow stronger than strain X or Y or whatever.

    So your friend was like 5% right but he didn't even know it, and was full of shit.

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