strain of seeds

Discussion in 'Marijuana Seeds Banks' started by Br3nd4n, May 8, 2005.

  1. hey anyone know were i can order some seeds that wont grow up to be too tall, will grow up to be an amazing plant covered in crystals, and will have decent bud sizes for selling?
    plz help
  2. I am a fan of Northern Lights, its a good stout indoor plant - but there are so many its hard to choose. :)
  3. Hi i would give ICE a go this can be vegged for as little as a week( straight from seed has been done with very good results) and is smotherd with crystals please feel free to email me for more info
  4. i thought that foo got banned [​IMG]
  5. dedeldulgah and abulubbulup strains are the best

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  6. email?

  7. i love that pic u got there... hahaha:smoke:

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