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Strain Names

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Bunnyrabbitz, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. You know what annoys me? When people say oh no thats kush not sour. It's going around alot now in my town. People argue and say oh no thats not sour because of how it looks, and im like no just because it looks different maybe its a different type or grown differently or such something. It gets annoying because they are know-it-alls.
  2. Yeah its funny when people think they can spot a strain just by looking at it all the time. It is annoying too. Every time someone says something like that to me I tend to just ignore it
  3. Yeah i really get fed up with the threads on here with.

    "What strain is this?" (no one can tell you. It doesn't matter anyway
    "How much does this weight" (Get a fucking scale)

    /mini rant.

    Its very annoying seeing these daily.
  4. unless its something like kush or whitewiddow.. or any good strain, i dont really care what it is... and the only reason i care if its kush or something is cause Kush is epic
  5. That or when people are like to my weed they are like no thats kush. And im like no its sour. It gets annoying with know-it-alls.
  6. yeah discussions about it are pointless.. like who gives a shit? just smoke it
  7. Just tell straight up tell them they dont know what the fuck they're talking about lol

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