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Straightforward question

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by HighAsFuck247, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. Alright so I know the answers to this, but I am looking for some hardcore evidence. I want some credible evidence of doctors and medical proffessionals that know Marijuana's health benefits and verify it as a MEDICINE and not a drug. I'm so fucking sick of people calling me a drug addict because the MJ replaces my inhaler, allergy medicine, antidepressants, and doctors visits. Also got rid of my ADD (made me focus I swear to god I can play guitar now). I am 100x more productive with MJ when I vaporize it. I lay around all day like a bum when I take SSRIs because they make me so sick.

    Why are people so paranoid of people that use MJ?

    Why are people so judgmental of people that use MJ?

    Why does this subject make people so ignorant and angry?

    Why are the governments so afraid of a plant with no health risks and that clearly hasn't caused any harm? (Pharmeceutical companies BE AFRAID!)

    Why is it that people lose natural affection for family members and friends that are good, responsible, caring, productive people that use MJ for their health problems? Taking it so far to put them out on the street just for using the plant instead of them taking damaging pharmaceuticals?

    Why would they prefer them to take poison instead of a natural miracle purely based on the fact that they don't want us to be "high"?

    Wouldn't God want us to be happy?

    so whats wrong with a little fun? Can't we be ourselves? We aren't hurting a single thing and why wouldn't god have a good laugh looking down from heaven at us as we finish off an entire box of oreos?

    ..and the best part... It comes from the ground, so If we need more medicine, money does grow on trees! When we finish smoking it we got the value, Its cashed!
  2. Read the stickies in this forum, try Granny Storm Crowe's list first.

  3. I know but are there enough doctors around that would actually help? Like someone to talk to my parents and explain its a medicine and not a drug addiction? I know this sounds ridiculous but I really need a favor they don't give me the time of day. I tried to show them the Union and they kept fast forwarding thru it. I gave them countless links and printed off pages. They are determined to remain so ignorant and me being the only one trying to explain it to them... Maybe a doctor that could help me get a card in Grand Rapids but at least I'm looking for someone I can get in touch with that would know someone that could help?
  4. I can't track down studies, but here's some personal opinions.

    1. It's taboo and the original information spread about the substance was negative. See Reefer Madness.

    2. See Above

    3. Some people believe that medical marijuana is as credible as medical meth or medical heroin and in their minds its just another way for a "junkie" to get their fix.

    4. You answered it yourself. Too many big companies are invested in markets that would be dominated by Cannabis.

    5. They see the law as the law and believe that by making the choice of using an illegal substance you no longer value the opinions of those you love who tell you to stop, spiral downward etc..

    6. They don't understand the plant, therefor they fear it. Just like with anything else than man doesn't understand.

    7. Depends on if you believe in said God.

    8. Too many ways for me to answer, so I'm just going to say that medicine isn't for fun and eating a whole box of oreos isn't healthy.

    9. A lot of food comes from the ground, but world hunger is still a problem.

    And in case you get lost =
  5. How Michigan marijuana patients get their medicine | The Michigan Daily

    Michigan Medical Marijuana Association | News and Information for Michigan's medical marijuana patients and caregivers
  6. I agree we all get treated like criminals. I don't eat very much when i'm high the Oreo thing was a joke. ... And when I'm clearly more fucked up from prescriptions I don't understand what the problem is using weed instead. I just have no way to get it through my parents. Dumbass people won't even listen to their own kid one time.
  7. Everything was getting better until they just kicked me out on the street. They started the downward spiral, not the weed. I smoked a couple times, I was clean for a month and they accused me of being high all the time when I wasn't high at all around them. Then I was high and I did everything they wanted to me and they couldn't tell the difference. Then, they told me to tell them the truth and they would help me no matter what. So I told them that I was going to get rid of my vaporizer and they told me to come back without it. I came back and they wouldn't even open the door to let me in. Like this shit is crazy I think people get possessed by some force pushing them away from the plant. At least thats what its like with my parents.
  8. I think its time you start working and find a place for yourself. Hell, if they dont open the door you're not going to force your way into their home now are you?
  9. #9 HighAsFuck247, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010
    They just have been all over me my whole life telling me whats right and wrong and then I prayed to god and asked him to help me see what is right and wrong. Christians, Christians,
    Have a little faith, Smoke the herb, put your trust in god and...
    Oh, yea and he he doesn't care about us when we use marijuana? Come on now! I guess us lowly humble, humans don't deserve something as good as the Cannabis plant. God wouldn't want us to feel good, Satan would. Thats why hes telling them you can't serve god when you use his plant? So who are you gonna believe? Am I the devil? The religions say we can take any prescription we want except this. And there aren't any prescriptions that get you high? Where is your prescription? At a pharmacy dealing poisons out to people, making millions of dollars? But god blesses us on these poisons. hmmm... thats what sounds like pharmacia to me but I'm just a humble young man trying to understand the reasoning of my parents and the whole anti-marijuana group in general. No where in the bible is there anything that says its wrong to be "high" on marijuana. God wants us to feel good why else would he create such an amazing beautiful plant? And maybe its not the use he intended, but i'm not God, Its not up to me to decide what it was for. so who is claiming to be the almighty one? The Governments?

    ...but wait. Because I am so thankful for such a thing it means I'm worshiping the plant instead of God? ... Am I idolizing it? not really. Is it a really good medicine? YES... OK then what is wrong with it again according to the bible?

    Respect for human life?

    yea... because a lot of people put their lives in danger that use MJ. By not following the religions rules? By breaking the Governments laws? ...What if its legal? God will still kill us for it according to Jehovah's Witnesses (I'm not trying to turn people against this organization, I merely hope that it opens someones eyes deep in the organization, because they would not even consider it or give me a good explanation they only said NO! Its an ADDICTING method to escape our problems like people that drink. Its a form of DRUGERY even tho there are other prescriptions of the same "mind-altering" properties that can make people violent and the plant makes us peaceful) , now whose law is that? I don't see anything negative about the use of this wonderful plant in the bible. Who are we to accuse god of drugery? He created a damaging substance? Which is more damaging? Its use or its penalties? Which is more damaging, a poison or a plant? So how does that justify a psychoactive compound that is natural over one that is man made? Who is bringing more Glory to god. Man? or God himself?

    Side effects, risks? Well, at the worst they match the dangerous chemicals that the government allows the pharmaceutical companies to shell out. I think I'll stick with the safer treatment that no one died from that makes me know there is a God.

    Smoke? Cancer? And a vaporizer is still wrong? thats just plain shady. Now I wanna know what they are all up to. At the least, it helps you to not think negatively about others... thats ironic isn't it? They are the ones thinking negatively of us.


  10. Wow, this seems like what my parents would do if they knew I smoked in their house. Luckily I moved out a few years back and have my own place, but when I get asked to house sit I just smoke up in her house while she is gone. Stick it to em. haha.

    man, sorry to hear about your situation.

    yeah, my mom was a pastor, which I have no problem with and totally support her, but she can be pretty hypocritical on this topic. God made the whole earth, this includes all NATURAL plants, not prescription crap that drug and pharmaceutical companies make. Haha they have to make marinol even to come close to nature.

    There is a church out in cali called 420 Temple that uses MJ as a spiritual herb as it says in the bible there is a healing plant. We don't really know if its the same plant but it has all the benefits that a healing plant would. Then when people say its a "sin" and that your idolizing it rather then God, I just laugh. No one understands that when your in pain or anything, you may not be able to concentrate, or give God your all. This is the opposite of what God would want. Rather, if you smoke up and feel better, you can give him more than you could if you didn't have it. It isn't hurting your relationship with God, its helping it! IMHO.

    Since we are obviously not God and we are all born into sin, we all are sinners in his eyes. But we can reap redemption through him. People get all caught up in the governments laws that they think that breaking the law is a worse sin than saying God's name in vein. When in fact in the bible it specifically says not to use Gods name in vein and there is no evidence what so ever in the bible that says you can't smoke a plant that he, God, made. It is so hypocritical and I believe this is one example that shows the argument that christians are hypocritical. I do not believe that all christians are, but there are some.

    I think its even more ignorant that people think its a harmful substance. It's not harming the person who smokes it, how could it harm people that come into contact with this person, unless they are a harmful person in general, but still MJ might help them.

    Idk for me I can get pretty heated up about this issue. ha.
  11. one more thing, some of the most caring, helpful, nice etc people that I know smoke MJ and some of the most rude, hurtful people I know don't.

    Coincidence? Probably not.

    MJ is not going to change your personality, its unlikely. Someone's personality is engrained in them and its hard to change it unless you put alot of effort into changing (granted everyone is different). Smoking Marijuana is not going to change your personality. If a person who smokes is lazy or rude, it isn't because they smoked its because this is who they are. They would be the same way if they didn't smoke.

  12. They can make every effort to do whats right and notice a remarkable change in their life. And btw like I said earlier, I would never put a substance over a person. The MJ did not interfere with my relationship with my parents. It made it better until they made the decision to kick me out after they told me they were going to help me no matter what. So, I have a hard time being honest, but because I was high I told them truth about everything. And they're blinders were too close together. They just couldn't look over the fact that I used Marijuana even tho I was being more productive and happy. I read some of the bible to my dad, I didn't miss a word. I even agreed to stop because I wouldn't let something tear up my family. But then my dad took control and kicked me out. My own mother wouldn't even answer the door to get my stuff. I had to break the window of my own home and wait for the cops to come just so I could get my amp and pedal for my guitar. I've never done anything to my parents but work hard to respect and make them and God happy. I know I've made mistakes but the MJ helped me clean up my act and I think it could do the same for many other people. That is, if they aren't under the control of the Government. My dad accused me of being high all the time at my house, when I really only smoked out of my vaporizer a few times when I was sick. I made a quarter last a month, I mean come on! A 2 year weed smoker? Stops for a month and a half without any problem except my old health problems coming back? Got some more of the flower after I started going through withdrawal from the dehibilitating prescriptions?
    and how often did I need the prescriptions? Everyday? and how long did that quarter last me? A month?! YEA. I'm a crackhead. I even got the quarter for 25.
  13. #13 HighAsFuck247, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2010
    Possibly the organization (Jehovah's Witnesses Religion) feels that if they allow this, the Governments will turn on them first. They might use it themselves to get their guidance, and fear that they are going to be going against god's purpose by allowing it. In due time God will explain, If he hasn't already made the common sense known, maybe after another religion begins to allow it?

  14. I agree that it helped with my relationship with my mom. My dads another story, but he left for NE a few years back and haven't really seen or talked to him. He got another women pregnant down there, but my parents are still married. Its a pretty messed up situation. But with my dad leaving the rest of our family have gotten pretty tight. Which has helped my brothers and my mom get a better relationship. I've always had a good one with her, but her and my two bros always would fight and say they didn't like each other. anyways.

    You seem like you got a good head on your shoulders, which is the real thing people should look at. Not the fact that you may smoke a plant that people are, scared of or misinformed of. I think alot of it has to do with a lot of misinformation that has been told about MJ. I remember I used to be so against it because of what people had told me. But when I tried it and saw that it was not that, I kinda felt like I and alot of over people have been lied to our whole lives. The biggest issue we face now it getting people to understand the reality of MJ and not the myths that people have been told for years.

    Have you spoken with your parents since this happened? If not I hope in time it will work out for you and your parents. Hopefully you can grow a stronger relationship through it all.

    Like a friend of mine tells me, iron has to go through fire in order to be refined. Not saying that things will get really bad, but it always reminds me that through hard times good things can come from them. This helps me try to come up with ways to help with what ever situation I am in.
  15. #15 HighAsFuck247, Jan 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2010
    The thing with MJ that most people don't realize because of all the false info, is that to me, it seems to bring broken families closer together, it is a great aid in overcoming addiction to harder drugs (relief to withdrawal symptoms, and a much safer alternative to the dangerous things they would normally use). The side effects compared to anything else are always /WIN and they help people addicted to sex. Like if you are worrying or tripping out over a relationship, it helps get your mind out of the gutter, so to speak, and lightens up the mood so we can think about things other than sex, and relationships. It helps greatly with people that are severely depressed. Its kind of like an antipsychotic, at least for me, my mind calms down and stops stressing over the usual stuff I worried about since I was a little kid. If someone makes me violently angry, I just smoke a bowl and change my mind about getting even, but its not that I wouldn't think things thru normally. It just makes us with severe depression, think more logically

    Obviously, Life goes on without it. And when we go off it, it doesn't make us worse, we just go back to the way we were before we tried it. Sometimes with an improved state of mind (more positive), understanding people's feelings (empathy), giving us more wisdom and experience, Less anxiety (knowing relief is available without paying the price of liver damage), and a better night's sleep. If someone takes their Antidepressant daily, then of course they are going to use MJ daily. We don't skip doses in our medication, but somehow people think we should feel guilty about using mj "too much". Well, how much do we usually use? One bowl of medical (chron) is enough for me. Out of a vape.

    IF IT HELPS, then why not use it? Save your health, stay away from that poison. At least, thats what I would think God would want, us to respect our life, by not ingesting man made chemicals with known health risks greater than MJ.

    My favorite one is how people assume we are high all the time and they can't even tell. They think so negatively, and judgmentally of us. I stopped for a month because I wanted to clean everything out of my body, and my parents accused me of being High all month, just because I told them I used it. How ignorant can you possibly be?
  16. #16 HighAsFuck247, Jan 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2010
    Thanks for the advice. Its turned into a mess that I can't post on here, not bc of the MJ, but because of my own parents paranoia (thats right), and ignorance. I always stayed away from it because of what I was told. Until I changed my mind about its value to my health. as I realized the facts, my health gradually started to improve from the years of depression and anxiety i suffered. I stopped getting sick and didn't have to go to the doctor for 2 the 2 years I used it. I heard lies about this plant, and common sense should tell us that it is a plant, A PLANT, not a damaging drug but definitely something with medical value. Tylenol is also considered a drug, but its legal. Now we don't walk around claiming Salvia or Acid, helps our depression, so quit calling us drug addicts. Thats like discriminating a race of people. We say it helps because it DOES. Its not just because we want to get high. Some of us need some kind of relief. And a psychoactive drug doesn't cause us to be out of control of our minds, if it does than maybe religions should tell people to stay away from Trazodone, and Paxil because they are psychoactive too, but you don't see people looking down on these poisons.
  17. It's illegal and deemd of no medical value because of ignorrant, greedy people. /thread
  18. #18 HighAsFuck247, Jan 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2010
    Greedy, Powerful people that are scared of us finding out it's true MEDICAL value.
    aka Government, Pharmaceutical Companies, Law Enforcement (great money maker and Free Weed for the cool cops that don't beat u up or fuck ur life over). It would be awesome to get pulled over and toke up with a cop. :D:smoking: It should be legal! Our country would change so much.
  19. all i have to say is "money"
  20. My two cents: Get a job, get a doctor to recommend you for medical marijuana and be responsible in all ways so that your parents will see you are an adult and a good one. If you are of like beliefs with your parents, go to their church, so they can see you haven't strayed from they truth. They probably think demons are taking you over or something. Show them they are not. Give them a reason to like you again, not that you should need to, you just need to get the upper hand to be equal with them.

    This may sound like odd advice, but you've got to see my experience I am coming from. My husband and I are 45 year old parents of 4 children who are all almost out of the house aged 19 through 27. I am Bipolar, have ADHD, sleep apnea and Fibromyalgia. I am going to make an appt. on Tuesday to see a Dr. to get me some weed and my husband is all for it, and get this we are born-again Christians.... the group thats most vigilant about sin. I am going to have to hide it until my 83 year old grandmother passes away or it would kill her. My kids know and 2 are for it and two are against it.

    I think you are sensible from your conversation here. Your relationship with your parents needs some cooling down time, that's all. After you get a job you can leave them a gift basket in front of their door that has acard that says, "Just missing you".

    That's what I have to say.


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