After smoking for 2 years, one can throw the hope of a buzz out the window. Last week I started smoking tobacco bowls from the bong, can clear a bowl of zig-zag rolling tabaccy in one hit now. Buzzin my ass off And to those against it, it's probably a lot healthier than smoking cigarettes, no? Anyone else rip tobacco bowls? (Yep, I know it's nasty as shit, but the buzz is incredible)
May be harsh, but now when I rip some bud, I can clear 2 bowls in one hit with no problem... so there's another plus! Hmm, there's quite a bit of tobacco res in my bong. I wonder how fucked up and nasty it would be to hit it... curiosity is gonna get the best of me...
The other day i did a tobacco bong rip. Pretty intense head buzz, for about 5 minutes. taste like shit too.
lol. i like how you put 'may be harsh' .. it MAY be one of the worst thing you can do to your lungs... but atleast you can clear bud faster lol man some people... i guess they just dont care about their well being. or that others, (loved ones, care for their well being) every single cig you smoked, every hit of marijuana you've taken is doing nothing for you in your present state or for your future. the nice buzz doesnt last... but the shit in your lungs and how the quality of your life is negatively lasts a very long time. W/E its all about CHOICES
So your saying it's MORE unhealthy than a filtered cigarette? I'd have to disagree and say water filters out more nasties than a piece of cotton. Oh, and I smoke .25-.3 tobacco at a time, verse smoking 1 gram (standard cigarette). And no, I'm not smoking bowls more often then I'd smoke a cigarette.
????? don't understand this been smoking damn near everyday for ten years and while i don't get wrecked like in the early days i still get pretty fucking high.. switch strains or if you get Regs switch dealers for a bit ... what are you smoking ?
I smoked a bowl of pipe tobacco out of my bong shortly after I got it--it wasn't a wise decision at all.
West Chester eh? I've been through there a few times in the past few years. Spent some time at The Note. Pretty cool place. Definitely liked West Chester.
Hell yeah, when I have no weed and im just in the mood to just sit and smoke, Ill back my bong with some of my favorite flavored pipe tobbacco and rip it. So a funny story, i was hitting it and took a pretty big hit, but kept it down. I was browsing my facebook at that moment, and just learned some girl in my school killed herself. Upon finding this out I like gasped out of suprise, and inhaled again, while holding in my hit. I then tried to exhale and couldnt, then got soo dizzy, I had to lay down or else I was going to vomit. Was the weirdest thing to ever happen to me, while on Facebook. Smoking pipe tobbacco. in my room.
Be thankful you didn't cough up that tobacco hit, coughing up a ganj rip fucking kills enough, I can't BEGIN TO IMAGINE how much coughing up a tobacco hit would rape your insides.
I mean, the carcinogen level is the same.. I also think that rolling tobacco has a higher tar content than cigarettes. But if you're alright with smoking that, rolling tobacco is always chiller. It's more fresh and tastes extraordinary compared to ciggs. I'd recommend using a different piece to smoke the tobacco. It makes bongs reek like nothing else.
no chance id ever hit tobacco out of a bong, it taints the bong forever, even after you clean. its kidna like smokin dirt weed through a nice piece...its never the same
i enjoy smoking pipe tobacco out of my glass. it helps my high too because i have a high tolerance. i dont think its gross at all. i also dont try to rip it the hardest i can or cash it through. i've upgraded my tobacco. i used to smoke this cheap cavendish but now i pay a little more for a lot better smoke. the tobacco has a great aroma but the liquid kind of resin from the tobacco doesn't smell good at all. ever since i started smoking pipe tobacco, i stopped smoking cigs. the pipe tobacco is way better than any cigarette.