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Straigh cannoil shot

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Djordjem, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. Ey guys I just cooked up 1 gram of sour d x sour cheese. I grounded it up and threw it in a cupcake bowl and covered it with veggie oil and cooked it on 350 for 25 min. It reeks and personally I think it taste great haha. But I saw this on a different thread so I'm giving it a try. I just took a shot of this and I'll report results.

    Attached Files:

  2. To improve your potency in future batches, decarb your bud first then reduce the heat to 220 F for at least 45 minutes. This is still a quickee method that may get you some razzes in the forum for efficiency, but not everybody has the chance to use a more complex method. If you get a chance to pick up some virgin coconut oil, use it instead of the vegetable oil. It has the highest fat content of the oils and will extract more of the thc. If you like your results and like the single serving method, you may want to decarb a few grams of weed to have on hand to use as needed.

    BTW, if your oil has any decent potency to it, you're not going to be reporting back tonight.:D A shot glass of good oil should have 20 or more doses even if a little weak. So, happy sailing!:D

  3. How much is a dose/how high does 1 dose get you?

  4. He only used 1 gram of cannabis.

  5. Sure, but he used top shelf smoke and only a shot of oil. While it's not going to equate to a high end product, there should still be a few dosages in the shot and if it's decarbed and coconut oil is used, the effects of a full shot could be quite dramatic.

    I consider a dose to be the amount it takes to get a better than average buzz. For me, a dose of coconut oil is a half dropper but I have an extremely high tolerance and I use a more sophisticated extraction method. For a simple process like this.:D I expect a dose of 2 cc (2 droppers) would be adequate. But, what do I know?:D

  6. The 20 doses just didn't make any sense for that amount of weed, I assumed you forgot/missed that part. He should still be pretty darn blazed though.

    Also, your oil sounds most excellent. :D
  7. Well sadly I didn't get even a bit high off it. I did feel it creeping up because I got very talkative at work for a couple minutes which usually happens when I smoke but that went away. I'm not sure what I did wrong, maybe i should of cooked it longer? Not sure:/
  8. #8 X24, Jul 31, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2012
    Decarboxylate it first. Decarboxylation | Cannabis Culture <- Random article off google, there are tons more if you don't much care for this one (doesn't go into detail for oven or microwave decarboxylating).
  9. 350 is vaping temp..

  10. That's too bad, Djordjem, but at least you didn't waste a lot of weight. I was concerned about the temp you were using and the oil and lack of decarbing. I think I found the thread you may have been using for the recipe, by DaBoss. It is exactly like you posted. I read through several pages of the thread and I found many posts stating that the method had failed for them. Keep at it and you'll eventually perfect it. It's definitely worth the effort if you get it figured out.
  11. I'll try this. Thx

  12. You tried making edibles using 1g of weed- what did you EXPECT to happen nuclear med student? :confused:
  13. It was on a thread. And yes it works if you listen to the other people that have done it. So stop trying to act smart on every thread. Your not

  14. Did the thread say you will get wiz khalifa- baked- and all you need is 1g to cook?

    "And yes it works if you listen to the other people that have done it."
    > no- it didn't work.

    And it will CONTINUE not to work- as long as you keep trying with only 1 g- WHILE lipping off people that know alot more than you do- and can give tips to STOP making silly rookie mistakes.

    Enjoy your flavored veggie-oil.:wave:
  15. #15 blackleaf28, Jul 31, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2012
    [quote name='"johnnyCage"']

    You tried making edibles using 1g of weed- what did you EXPECT to happen nuclear med student? :confused:[/quote]
    [quote name='"johnnyCage"']

    Did the thread say you will get wiz khalifa- baked- and all you need is 1g to cook?

    "And yes it works if you listen to the other people that have done it."
    > no- it didn't work.

    And it will CONTINUE not to work- as long as you keep trying with only 1 g- WHILE lipping off people that know alot more than you do- and can give tips to STOP making silly rookie mistakes.

    Enjoy your flavored veggie-oil.:wave:[/quote]

    what? ive gotten zonked off of 0.5 of high quality herb in an edible. Many many times. I am also not a nuclear med student so i must have just been lucky c:
  16. It's ok this kid just goes thread to thread trying to start arguments. Iv gotten also baked off 1g in a firecracker. I should of just done that :p but hey it's just 1g
  17. #17 blackleaf28, Jul 31, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2012
    [quote name='"Djordjem"']It's ok this kid just goes thread to thread trying to start arguments. Iv gotten also baked off 1g in a firecracker. I should of just done that :p but hey it's just 1g[/quote]

    i know, hes just a little teenager with adolescent angst. Like chihuaha. Only bark. Seen him in his glass thread c:

    no reason your method shouldnt work.. Although i say stove top is easier. When i go to india the bud is terrible, so i always make edibles. My routine has been, grind weed, put in pan, add just enough coconut oil to cover weed, let oil soak into weed for a minute, then add some water (to prevent coco oil from burning which it does easily), simmer for 15-20 mins and im left with a bangin weed tea that i take down in one shot

  18. And 1g in that recipe- will get you high? lol.

    If I was 16- or took a year long tbreak that might make me feel happy.

    I tried to point out that if it didn't work- you should try MORE than 1g- this kid doesn't like being given advice.

    But I don't blame him- he's been smoking out of PVC for a while .. .
  19. #19 blackleaf28, Jul 31, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2012
    [quote name='"johnnyCage"']

    And 1g in that recipe- will get you high? lol.

    If I was 16- or took a year long tbreak that might make me feel happy.

    I tried to point out that if it didn't work- you should try MORE than 1g- this kid doesn't like being given advice.

    But I don't blame him- he's been smoking out of PVC for a while .. .[/quote]

    very high, with quality herb. 0.5 Is plenty. A gram of good weed would be too much. Edibles should be as effective as the same amount smoked, when done properly. If i put 0.3 of good weed in a bong, thats all i need to start relieving pain (and to get nice and high without being incapacitatedly stoned). 0.5 In an edible would do the job even moreso

  20. "If i put 0.5 of good weed in a bong, thats all i need"
    > yeah . . . for about 90 minutes . . . lol. And not 'HIGH'- that'd just be a good buzz.

    And UNLIKE smoking- edibles onset REALLY slowly- the amount i can rip in a bong for a buzz- would be barely noticable in an edible.

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