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+ story w work-related paranoia

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by smuktuk, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Hi everyone, taking a tolerance break after a good year of fun.
    So I like to hear good stories that remind me of it till Im back on my feet lol.
    I've had a lot of positive experinces w herb and work.  Often in comes in 
    form of after-hours re-hashing of my day w toking.
    For instance I had an administrative job.  Things seemed and went home and
    lit-up.  This was during a low-tolerance time, where I'd get that wonderful and sometimes
    scary question everything paranoid.
    Well I started thinking of inefficiencies at work and swung to the whole other end:
    1. Started thiking everyone against me and would get fired\t
    2. Started thinking was doing sloppy job at work and make a list to be more organized\t
    3. Was smart enough to realize I should write this list down.
    A lot of it was paranoia, nobody was after but when my head cleared in few hours, I
    realized I was doing a sloppy job at a particular thing.  I also had made a great list of how to better approach the days. 
    Ended up showing this to boss and he loved it.  

  2. You have discovered the golden manna that exists in cannabis and its users...the ability to clearly see the fault lines in your life...the traps, the niggles, the troubles...and instead of merely focusing on them and doing nothing but worry, you acted and improved your THATS a good use for the herb my have advanced from a "user" to a "shaman"....using your magical substance to gain valuable insight into your life and others and improving your quality of life. Thats a huge discovery for you and I wish you good luck in the future.
  3. Yep, what he^^^ said! Good job on using it in a positive manner!

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