Story I wrote while blazed!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by SamuelJVint, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. Ok, I wrote this the other night, I don't claim to be a good author, so don't hate on it please. It was inspired by the food my friend and I eat when we get the munchies, sounds retarded I know. Let me know what you think of it, Thanks.

    Once upon a time, in a gloomy pine forest, there lived a small cactus boy named, Fermen
    Fermen was a very intelligent little cactus, his cactus skin was very green. One day, Fermen wanted to go on an adventure, He decided he wanted to trek across the open universe. Crossing through all of The MogBog Realm. It was a wide realm that consisted of, Taquito Island, AppleSauce swamps, Green Tea River, Potato chip Deserts, Beef Jerky Forest, and ending with Mount Chex Mix. First Fermen arrived at Taquito Island, I shall hunt many animals on this island. So Fermen started his hunt. He searched through dense brush of taco shell, tall burrito trees, and chimichanga vines. Finally he came upon what he was looking for, The Taco Bell Chihauhau. He pulled out his sword and slayed the little dog. He then walked onto the applesauce swamps. The swamps were dank and mucky and many people died in them. They were inhabited by monsters such as an octopus or a lion, even ents were in the swamp. He made it through the swamp. He then Jumped onto a rainbow, and flew through the sky. He killed unicorns and dragons. And then he got hungry so he went to taco bell and got a 89 cent 5 layer burrito. After the taco bell, The cactus child rolled up a joint in his spaceship and then went to the mooooon maaaaan. The cacti rolled around in his spaceship and flew into a cucumber building where salt rained from the sky. The cucumbers got eaten. He ran into a wall of jello and got out. He was attacked by fruit rollup wizards. Fermen was strong, but the wizards got the best of him, he was killed. After dying he went to pumpkin pie heaven, where there were fields of whipped cream and lakes of milk. And all over little cookie fishes jumped in ponds. He swam through ponds and hung out with fish. He ran down a hill and accidentally killed someone. He went to cactus hell. He was tortured for 90 days, and then he went to jail. While in prison, Fermen had a vision, He saw himself as ruler of a peaceful world. Then he got stabbed.
  2. Im high right now, and I just need to give you some advice. Dont write stories while blazed :eek:
  3. I kinda figured that one out haha. I dunno, I know the outcome isn't very good, but when I'm blazed writing up the story is really amusing and satisfying for some reason haha.
  4. I definitely understand what you mean dude. :D
  5. Yeah dude it's the shit haha. I'm off to blaze and then write more, peace.

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