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Storing weed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by passtehbong, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. If I store weed in a pickle jar for prolonged periods, will it mold?
  2. No, not so long as it's dried well enough (doesn't need to be over-dried, it will 'keep' fine when dried to smoking consistency)... but it won't stay fresh forever. I posted the below for someone else a while back.

    I know some people feel it's great when they find old bud in their attics, after years of exposure to high temps and age, and some do seem to enjoy it, but I personally don't like the flavor of most weed when it's been stored for longer than just two months or so, even in glass jars. Certain strains kept in jars will absolutely last longer than that in my tastebuds books, but many don't.

    So if you're going longer than this, and want to preserve both potency and flavor, you should store it in your freezer wrapped tightly in a few layers of an oven bag.

    'Oven bags' were originally intended for cooking chickens, meats and veggies in the oven, they are very high quality, much less porous, they are odor proof and more important they're odor-sealing.

    This will keep the buds from getting that freezer burn taste, or from picking up residual odors from the foods you keep nearby, especially if you marinade meats in the fridge, and you have a side-by-side fridge & freezer combo... my own freezer always smells like fresh herbs and spices from the meats soaking in the fridge.

    They are also invaluable as travel bags, you need these when bringing your stash on a bus, train or any other mode of public transportation, they seal the odor so well that often times it's possible (nothing to rely on though) that drug dogs will pass you by, and no human can ever detect its presence so long as its sealed.
  3. Be sure to take the pickles out first.

  4. Never thought of that, thanks. :rolleyes:

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