So I just got some seeds,I have heard keep in the fridge in Rice.Do I keep them in the plastic baggies and put in rice or do Iempty them directly into the rice.I am gonna keep in a mason jar.Might have to keep for 6 months or so,thanks
fridge is good for 1 year + for 6 months or less u just need rice and a COOL DARK PLACE and voila they should be safe in an ziplock or an airtight container even.
so do I put them directly in the rice actually put them in the rice itself or leave in small baggies the seeds came in
I've stored seeds in the fridge for 4 years and still had a 100% germination rate. If they're fresh when you get em they can last a long time.
Hell... I started collecting bag seeds when MMJ looked like it would become reality where I live. Needless to say I didn't get many, until I got some pretty decent smoke that had more than a few seeds. I saved them in an empty medicine bottle in my nightstand for over 3 years before I tried germinating them. I still got 100% germ/mostly fems!, at least so far. I still have a bunch. I may still use more, esp/ if I decide to try a little breeding. I store my $$ seeds the same way.
I don't use the freezer because I always worry about freezing temperatures killing the seeds, but I guess not. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault stores their seeds at 0 degrees F.