Storing/Processing Hash

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by Authentic420, Nov 11, 2009.

  1. Well the other day I made a small amount of Iso Hash. I only yielded .5g so I smoke all of it. The hash was VERY light. Now when I have like 5g of this shit how do I store it? Do I compress it? New to the hash scene and im loving it!
  2. #2 full melt, Nov 11, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2009
    If your ISO has an oily, sticky texture you can fold it in some waxpaper and stick it in your fridge or freezer for storage. Or you can buy little vials (20 cents each) from any headshop to keep your oil in.

    If its a grainy or sandy texture then you can press it or leave it unpressed, its up to you. I like to keep my pressed/unpressed hash in a film canister but a glass jar or anything like that will do.
  3. Thanks for the details. +rep

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