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Storing Nug

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by frets629, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Hi I've heard that if you keep weed in airtight containers that it gets better over time. Is this true?
  2. I don't believe it necessarily makes it "better", but it certainly preserves it and keeps it fresh. Also, less trichomes are knocked off. Trust me, I just recently made the switch from baggies to jars, and jars are great.
  3. I usually use a small film canister for small pickups. Its keeps the smell in and keeps the weed dank
  4. i believe this only applies to the curing process. But an airtight container will keep your bud fresh longer.
  5. the bud gets stanky if you leave it air tight
  6. Correct, curing can make the bud more potent as well as taste and smell.
  7. The quality of bud naturally deteriorates gradually. With jars though, assuming they are air tight, bud is kept fresh for longer periods of time. Some people add a citrus fruit peel to their jars of weed(make sure they do not touch) to re moisten and enhance the flavor.
  8. Okay so the general consensus is that it only prolongs the "shelf life" of the bud, but doesn't actually make it better, or more potent?

    Thank you for the responses!

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