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Storing bud in humidor?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by The Hunter, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. This question may have been asked and answered and I'm sure it has but I don't trust google to search there. If I wanted to store bud and keep it fresh for say... Maybe a year, could I use a cigar humidor? Would that work or would it rot the bud?
  2. i use a humidor to dry my buds, they wont rot, but chances are you will overdry your buds if you keep em in there for a year. i keep mine in there for a month after i cut them.
  3. Thank you. Good to know. I was just wondering about those fancy electric ones that you can set the humidity on, or is that what you use? Maybe like 70% humidity or so?
  4. ahhh, i just use an old school balsa one.
    in that case hell yeah go for it, i would keep the humidity right around 45 and just let her sit for a while.
    70% imo will cause mold... but that's just me, i play it safe. my entire room cruises at like 35-40% humidity.
  5. Ok thanks. I'm on my first grow so I've never cured any yet. I guess I'll test it out when my plants finish with maybe an eighth and see how long it stays fresh. I was thinking about freezing it but then some people told me as soon as you take it out it dries up fast. I appreciate the input.
  6. if you don't mind me asking how much do you know about the drying/curing process?
    please don't take any offense to that if it sounds snooty, simply asking.
  7. I only know what I've read online. Basically leave the plants in the dark for 3 to 4 days, cut your branches and hang them for about a week, and then store them in airtight jars and burp them every couple hours while checking how damp they are. I have zero experience with that though.

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