I have had a project going on for a while that I have been forced to put on hold because the apartment complex I live in is under new management, and I have some seeds I wish to store. The original seeds for the project were still viable after decades, in an isolated, cool, dry and dark cabinet, but through inbreeding, for whatever reason the seeds became progressively lighter in color (though still mottled) and smaller (no change in germ rate). Anyways, my question is that the seeds have been in a dry, airtight, and dark container in my refrigerator for a while now, does their smaller size or lighter color make them more vulnerable to going bad? I might just be worried because these seeds hold more value to me, but any suggestions or input on preserving these seeds for maybe a year more would be appreciated! Thanks
If your have your seeds in an airtight container, with little to no light, and stored in a cold place (like the refrigerator), seeds should survive for longer than 3-5 years, so I've read, sometimes longer even. I've had great luck myself...I have about 50+ seeds from different breeders, they have been in two different mason jars, in their breeders packs since I ordered them two years ago. I actually just started a new grow and the 4 out of 5 seeds I germ'd that I've had for a year at least, popped and now I have 4 beautiful girls. Keep em cool, and keep em alive!
[quote name='"RooRgle"']If your have your seeds in an airtight container, with little to no light, and stored in a cold place (like the refrigerator), seeds should survive for longer than 3-5 years, so I've read, sometimes longer even. I've had great luck myself...I have about 50+ seeds from different breeders, they have been in two different mason jars, in their breeders packs since I ordered them two years ago. I actually just started a new grow and the 4 out of 5 seeds I germ'd that I've had for a year at least, popped and now I have 4 beautiful girls. Keep em cool, and keep em alive![/quote] Thanks for the answer man! An congrats on the girls