Sorry, there may be a thread like this already, but any way. I've been buying from this one guy who is very reliable, works like clockwork, but the amount and quality makes it a bit not worthwhile. So a few days ago i saw one of the guys from my apartment and he's like "hey do you smoke weed?" And I was like yeah but I don't have any at the moment. And he's like "Oh I've got if you want some" Well I certainly won't say no. Ended up being like the best stuff I've had here. And he gets from someone he works with, and he works every day, so when ever I want some I can pay and have it the same day. only deals in small amounts but that's fine for me any way since I'm pretty broke. or I just buy a gram every day. i don't mind doing so, this stuff rocks. what's your story for randomly making a new weed connection?
Well this has never happened to me. I dunno what piece of crap place you live in but here people have courtesy. I don't have the privilege of knowing an actual grower. You gotta pay the grower for weed. Therefore that person needs the money beforehand.
My 7th grade year of middle school the area I lived in got populated quickly due to production of homes and businesses in a certain area from the point I was in elementary school to middle school that the one school (middle & high schools) had to be split into two separate districts. One half of the area went to one school, then the other to the other half. This caused a lot of drama and created a rival for the two schools. Basically the schools grew to hate each other despite all of us growing up together. About a week or so ago I had no dude man to get some ganja from so I messaged a kid I just assumed smoked that I went to middle school with (I HATED this kid in middle school) I never thought I'd actually get some from him. Anyways, I asked him "You know where any GOOD flower stores are?", "Walmart has some good flowers", I said "The flowers that make you feel relaxed when you smell them." he said, "OHHHHHH sorry man I'm so fucking high, how much you looking?" then proceeded to give me his number and met up with him. Some dank stuff from a guy that used to be a chump. I guess this is growing up!
Me and a few buddies took a road trip up to Edmonton years ago. We were walking around and went to head back to our hotel. On our way back this random guy walking his dog approached us. Sold us an eighth of some really, really good weed.
Lol sorry you feel that way. It's not weird to me at all. I now have my stuff. As usual. See? I don't know anyone direct. It's more like friends know someone who will sell some to them. Not like I can randomly come along to work with them or to an intimate gathering so that i can personally give them the money and get the weed from them. the middle man works just fine for me.
Yeah but the guy selling it to you could buy it and then sell it to you.. The guy is so broke he doesn't even have the 15 bucks or whatever it costs for a gram? If he's that broke, you better not ever give him any real might not ever see him again
Trust me on this and don't buy a gram everyday like you said you were fine with doing. Don't smoke for 2 or 3 days until you can at least get an 1/8. You save money and it's less of a hassle for the dealer if he's not trying to sell it gram by gram.*-OFFICIAL*-Alabama-Pickup-Thread
Thats not exactly how it works, and he not getting it from a grower... You will no doubt be ripped off at some point, have fun with that. And buying grams everyday lmao...
[quote name="DurbanPoisonQueen" post="19338585" timestamp="1389715888"]I usually buy a 1/8 or 1/4. But this guy only sells in grams. I don't know why. [/quote]More profit comes in Sent from my Prism using Grasscity Forum mobile app
[quote name="DurbanPoisonQueen" post="19337884" timestamp="1389703194"]Lol sorry you feel that way. It's not weird to me at all. I now have my stuff. As usual. See? I don't know anyone direct. It's more like friends know someone who will sell some to them. Not like I can randomly come along to work with them or to an intimate gathering so that i can personally give them the money and get the weed from them. the middle man works just fine for me. [/quote]I used to have people I could give $ to Nd get my weed, but every one of those people have ended up robbing meSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
lmao... If its small amounts i doubt he's growing. And you don't even know the guy saying he won't rip you off.