how would you keep rain water that you collected? in a 5 gallon bucket with or without an air pump? p.h is around 6.2
I think it depends on where you live if the rain water is healthy? I imagine rain water from nearby big industrial area say New Jersey is shit compared to middle nowhere Colorado rain water.
To be honest I use to buy RO water for $.35/Gal. but due to be to busy or lazy to run for it I started filling my gallon jugs at the sink and sit them out on a shelf open a few days, supposed to let the chlorine seep out Needless to say I have not (knock on wood ) had any major health issues with my ladies. Oh and don't let my girls know this but I haven't Ph'd shit in over a year Remember kiddies they don't call it weed for nuthin K.I.S.S and Be Safe.
just a pump to aerate the water. my rain water is awesome! perfect. i guess ill aerate it that would slow it from going stagnant, if i just left there?
[quote name='"Wocka"']just a pump to aerate the water. my rain water is awesome! perfect. i guess ill aerate it that would slow it from going stagnant, if i just left there?[/quote] Yes it also adds oxygen to the water.