Store bought spring water or distilled for seedlings?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by masterlights, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. Just wondering what everyone uses in terms of type of water for germination/seedlings/veg plants??
  2. I just buy cheap distilled water at wal-mart for my water.

    worked perfect for the whole life-cycle of my plants so far.
  3. #3 toastybiz, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2010
    I use tap water from a municipal system known for very good clean water, then I filter through a 2-stage filtration system, then let sit open 24 hours. Also measure and adjust pH as needed.
  4. For seedlings I would definitely recommend tap water or spring water. You don't want distilled water because it has nothing for the plant to absorb at all.

    I use purified water in the flowering process or sometimes only when flushing before harvest.
  5. straight tap water NOT Ph ballanced (ie around 6.5 to 7), it toughens them up for times to come. IMO and experiance.
  6. this, I use distilled water from walmart through the whole plant life. I dont even ph test anymore, the plants never have a problem the last 3 grows. Using GH nutes. I could go the entire 3 month process only interacting/seeing the plants 5-6 times for water/nutes.

    edit, well I guess I would still have to raise the light every couple of days :)
  7. distilled plants dont need anything but water for 3weeks.
  8. My local water's pH is almost 8.
  9. Exactly, not all tap water is the same. You should buffer that down to about 6.5.
  10. yea i heard distilled isnt great especially for seedlings or veg plants because it contains tap is about at 7.2 but i dont chance it bc i live in a small city.if you use any type of water i would always ph test unless your not adding any type of nute or additive bc they always lower the ph.i also get spring water from wal mart just wanted to see what you guys were using.thanks
  11. distilled bro you keep hearing it doesnt have anything in it at far as nutrients or minerals, thats the whole point. Seedling need NOTHING the plant needs NOTHING for 3 weeks, why give it stuff it wont use or may have adverse affect when using it.
  12. So distilled and tap water will work. But be carefull of your old faucet and mad mimerals and fluoride disconcerting high p.h levels. I just stick with spring water by the gallon jugs. Pre test water ph. Dont modify levels. Add appropriate nutrients and then post p.h once more. Adjust and modify with p.h up down. Post P.h test one last time for good measures. Modify if needed until desired. Water plants. But of. Course to each their own.
  13. Tap water. No need to use anything but unless your ppms are 300 or higher. Ph can be adjusted. I don’t know why anyone would buy water to feed their plants otherwise
    • Agree Agree x 1

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