Storage for toking tools

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by Hydroriffic, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. How do you guys store you glass pieces.

    Epic custom display?

    Post up where you store your pieces. Ive noticed over the years how proper storage of pieces will protect them from accidents. Pictures are always a plus!!

    Heres mine:
    Magic taylor bag

    And for the accesorys a good ol cardboard box. Have a bunch of other whatnot in another shoebox as well but its at mah buddys.
  2. i have a few ryot cases and bags and a couple peace pouches(hard cases)

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  3. I have a tackle box for my spoon collection. Tackle boxes work good, there's a lot of cool ones out there.

    Mine is like this one, except it doesn't have the big compartment on top, I just have the slide out things.

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  4. thats a good idea, makes for easy transporting;)
  5. I still live with my rents so I have to be sneaky, but when i move out i want a cool glass case. sorry for bad pics...

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  6. dude that amp stash spot is so fucking epic!! +rep:cool::cool:

    Ive used my computer case many times to stash pieces, anybody else..
  7. that amp stash is awesome. ive been wanting to buy a big cheap speaker at a garage sale or something for the same purpose... like how derek had it on the movie blow haha.

    in my dorm i just keep my pieces under some of my bags in the closet, no one looks through my shit so its fine for now
  8. I have Vatra bags for all of my tubes. For my dry Sherlock pipe, I have this little roll up padded wrap thing(also by Vatra) that I got for $5 that is great protection!
    For all of my little tools(not glass) I have this little rubbermaid container.
  9. yeah i have vatra bags,
    im in a woodshop class right now, im building a cherry storage cabinet for my glass, should be pretty sweet
  10. Here is where my small collection is housed. [​IMG] [​IMG]
  11. all my glass pieces are in vatra bags. I have one vatra case, red colored, with a dragon head on the back of it. i have 2 little bags, 1 no name, and the other is a ixchel, for my mini spoon, and my main dry spoon, respectively.

    Thinking of making a slide holder for some of my slides, seeing as how i have 3 now, with a possible worth being custom made... I want someplace to show it off, without having to constantly roll it up in bubble wrap and put it in the bags with the bongs.
  12. Grizz pm me if you are interested in getting one made.

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