Stop moving certain threads to Pandora's Box

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by lightupbong, Jul 14, 2012.

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  1. First off, let me ask you this question. Since we only allow mainstream political ideas into the politics forum, what exactly constitutes a "mainstream political idea"?

    What I'm saying is, when people wan't to start a discussion about a particular political topic, often times it is moved to Pandora's Box, because of some sort of questionable element, typically the term "conspiracy", which gives an automatic reaction of "crazy, lunatic, thats false".

    However, many of these topics, ranging from debating and exposing political corruption to educating others on important current events, are backed by evidence and well founded arguments.

    Why must they be moved to a different thread? They are serious political discussions. They should be in the thread, for serious political discussions.

    I highly doubt most of the moderators even closely follow politics, so why exactly can they be the deciders as to what constitutes a serious political topic or not?

    Seriously, it's kind of annoying. They may not be mainstream ideas, but so what? Most of us can agree the major news outlets are a joke, and the media creates an artificial habitat for us to waste away in, while the rich and powerful benefit off of our work. And look at our country, we are a fucking joke...Our freedoms waved goodbye long ago. I garuntee there are several others out there who would agree with me.

    Turn off your Tv's. Consider reevaluating your policy.
  2. i follow politics closely.. very closely.

    can you link me to a conspiracy theory thread that is full of facts and mature political conversation?
  3. On this form? You would have to look in "Pandora's Box".

    In there I'm sure theres several 9/11 threads. The idea of 9/11 being staged to justify involvement in the Middle East and to strip people of their freedoms started out as merely a few small embers, but now has grown into a full blown movement.

    There are several subgroups of people who support the 9/11 truth movement, such as Architechts and Engineers for 9/11 truth, who believe

    now, over 36 percent of americans believe the 9/11 official story is false, according to the Scripps Howard survey (2006).
    Scripps poll: 36% see U.S. hand in 9/11

    This was in 2006, I assure you it is much higher now.
    Also, are you familiar with the collapse of tower 7? It was a controlled demolition, as no plane had hit it, and it wasn't near the towers.

    This, even IF miraculously wasn't true, given the number of people who are behind the idea, including architects and engineers for christ's sake, it deserves to be placed in a forum where it can be taken as a political discussion.

    From there, you will see 9/11 truthers presenting evidence of a controlled demolition, documentaries, interviews with engineers who claim the official story is bullshit, ect, and others simply throwing out the word "conspiracy"...

    We're trying to bring up legitimate political topics, and we work so hard to gain credibility and have our arguments heard, but we can't inform anybody if nobody takes the topics seriously.

    Many people would probably believe the ideas, if they had ACCESS to the information. So please, at least seriously consider whether or not a topic holds water in a political forum before you move it to another thread, and don't simply go off your own reasoning or what condescending bullshit people are posting in the thread
  4. it's not like the threads are getting deleted (unless they are duplicates)

    they are just being moved, and people are able to post whatever evidence they have and have whatever discussion they want.

    i don't understand the problem..

    (and i appreciate the links.. but i have read most of them and did my own bit of research on the whole 9/11 mess in the past.)
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