StoneyDaBear Reporting LIVE

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by StoneyDaBear, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Yoooo my fellow stoners, lets talk about weed and gettin high and anything other random shit! Im new to the site and im trying to meet some people so lets chat it up!

    -Stoney :smoke:
  2. what up dude! im just loading a bowl rdy to get baked off my ass in a sec
  3. thts what i like to hear bro. i wish i could say the same but i just moved so i havent gotten any connects yet and ive smoked all my black gold from my pieces so i guess ima have to keep my head out of the clouds for the time being haha enjoy that shit my brothaaaa
  4. awww that sucks dick. same happened to me a while back but then i found out my neighbor sells shit from the medical club lol

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