Stoners Views On Religion?

Discussion in 'General' started by LSDForPeace, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. I go with the idea of, anything is possible.

    God might exist, he might not.

    Buddism might be correct, might be not.

    I'm not sure what's beyond the realm of my vision and the reality i live in. Therefor i don't debunk anything just because it has a differing view on life.

    If you can accept that I simply don't know. Cool, we can get along. IF you try and slander me and what not because I don't know. Then I will smite you with the fist of CLKWRK.

    Just be accepting of other peoples ideas.
  2. my view: there is no god
  3. raised a hasidic jew, still live as close to a hasidic lifestyle as i can, just not as strict. i don't want to use the term kabbalist, because i am not one, but i do practice kabbalah as laid out by hasidic philosophy.

    i'm a strong believer in G-d, and believe i have had experiences which confirm His existence to me. i couldnt care less if nobody else believes in Him, though. its a personal thing
  4. Never believed in God,but I do believe there's a lot more for us to find out.
  5. good mythology.
  6. I don't have a religion. I do not believe we are here for any special purpose either. :p
  7. I really don't consider myself anythin' but I do believe in God
  8. Without donning such titles as I am not deserving of them, most would consider me a Buddhist for my strong Eastern philosophical views.

    Taoism, Buddhism, and elements of Hinduism resonate the most amount of truth behind their teachings and agree with my own viewpoint of the universe.
  9. I have alot of Buddhist beliefs and live my life based on basic principles of respect and kindness.

    I dont think there is a God watching over us waiting to punish, but within us and we have to find peace through him.
    Idk if that makes any sense but whatever
  10. #30 Peter Griffin, Aug 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2011
    Im Christian

    Are you talking about the mark of the beast?
  11. religion is a god damn shit starting troll in society

    catholics/protestants troubles in the north, industrial schools, Magdalene laundries, sexual abuse, muslims making their birds wear postboxes, Scientology seeking to be known as a religion, anti-Semitism, unjustified rules and notions, mormons with their prop 8 rubbish.... IT NEVER BLEEDIN ENDS.
  12. I don't believe in a god like most people imagine, I think god is our planet, earth. Religion is just a false hope for people wanting to believe in something bigger than themselves. It's just a way to control the masses.

  13. Very fucking interesting man. I'm going to read up on this and think about it a bit more. Thank you! Keep posting your thoughts everyone!
  14. The basis of most religions are wonderful and teach good morals and such but people can interpret it however they want and that leads to fucked up beliefs. I have no problem with what someone believes and will fully respect their religion in a debate, but just leave me alone! don't try and convert me because i don't care and it will just fuck up friendships with new people.

    Also religion has been the scapegoat for alot of terrible things people have done and they justify it as "god's cause" they don't know what god's cause is or else they would be doing anything but negative, judgemental, or wrong things amirite?
  15. I'm Jewish, and while i do believe in g-d i dont believe in an afterlife. Personally, i find the idea of eternity far more terrifying than the idea of nothingness. As for g-d, do i believe in an old white man in the clouds, no. but do i believe in some unknowable creator, yes.
    That said, i think that religion is a deeply personal thing, and there is always room to have disagreements with the established dogma.
  16. until i see some legit proof that religion and god are real, i dont believe shit. How can one religion say their god is true when there are THOUSANDS of religions? how in the world is the majority of people brainwashed to believe religion is true just based on what other people have told them? to me its all just to control the masses. to divide people. religion brings nothing but hate and even war...for example christians and muslims, they basically view each other as false just because they pray to different bullshit. which leads to division of people EX. the west and the middle east. the west has bad views on the middle east and the middle east very much hates the west. idk, but to me religion is just one big mind fuck and is a waste of time. people will get on their knees to pray to a god which is just a figment of their imagination, and expect their prayers to come true, and when something good does happen they automatically assume there prayer was answered...when really i think good and bad shit happen in life...and those religious people just seem to mistake the good shit in life as gods work...NO. depending on the type of choices you make, thats what affects your life. you decide your greater being does it for you. you can do whatever and i mean WHATEVER you want as long as you give it your all. i can keep going on this subject but dont wana make this too long lol.
  17. Some would argue the proof lies in psychedelic compounds.
  18. i have no idea what that is
  19. lol keep it that way.
  20. I'm an athiest

    i grew up a christian and was baptized by choice when i was 17

    but now after studying physics at uni for 4 years i just don't buy it.
    I've also studied extensively in social dynamics and persuasion techniques as a personal interest.
    I'm not braino or anything but the ways in which the church manipulates people en masse are pretty obvious.

    I don't believe in subscribing to an entire religion and having someone dictate "your beliefs" to you every sunday. I should be able to choose what i believe not have someone force their interpretation on me.

    two christians could have have opposing views about the same situation, and yet if only one gives you his advice, should i take this persons word as the will of god?

    What i found from my time in the church is that they really do believe in god, and they are honest and nice people, but they are being strung along weekly at what is essentially a self help seminar. they pay for this privilege with tithe.
    they also act as free labour for the church.

    theres nothing wrong with doing what you want in life, but religion is just crowd control, it always has been.

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