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Stoner, or Not a Stoner??? Hmmmmmm...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Badgerrskihigh, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. Dude, it's like you just described me. Awesome stuff.
  2. and I quote

    If you have ever told yourself that you can easily quit anytime, you just choose not to because it's fun, you are as much of a "stoner" as anyone else.

    Sorry I didn't mean to single you out, I'm just kind of sick of people talking about how absolutely harmless marijuana is and how non-addictive it is. Now don't get me wrong, I smoke my share of weed because it's a fucking BLAST, but unlike what many people say, if I skip anything more than a weekend I feel like I'm missing something (i'm a weekend smoker).

    I really wasn't trying to be a dick about this, I just had to get this off my chest hopefully a few people read it and considered it, not necessarily agreed, just considered as a valid opinion.

    My work here is done, good day.
  3. dude alot of people that are active, smart, and motivated smoke weed. im an a student in college i make good money, and im in the gym daily even when im high. people in my family smoke and they are all hard working typical middle class americans. the term stoner is pretty much a negative stereotype that i dont like, because ppl will associate that term with being lazy, or being a loser and that is simply not the case for alot of smokers. I think the term higher minded or something cool like that should be used to describe typical hard working ppl that smoke haha...
  4. I am the same way. I just consider myself someone who likes to have a good time not quite the stoner. I smoke twice a week btw on average.

  5. HAHA I agree with that.

    I'm a college athlete and am in great shape. Workout 4-6 times weekly plus practice, I work, get good grades and smoke.

    In my mind, rightly or wrongly, I've always associated the word "stoner" with the lazy people who smoke weed and do nothing but. The wasters.
  6. Call a goat a chimney and it's still a fucking goat.

    Label yourself what ever you want dude. Stoner, neurologist whatever.

    You are who you are no matter what your title is.
  7. The first person you described is an idiot. Those are the type of people that usually get caught for being a dumbass and set the standard for the "stoner" stereotype. IMO anyone who smokes weed unless it is a completley social thing, such as a party, is a "stoner" but thats just my personal opinion. And also IMO theres nothing wrong with being a stoner :smoking: hehehe
  8. im the same way bro and i consider myself a pothead/stoner. Many find the label bad...I take pride in it. I see through the bullshit and I enjoy my life to its fullest. Thats all I need to know.
  9. i am the same way. i went to college and got good grade and now i work and make good money...and still smoke week not everyday but 3 or 4 times a week. and i dont care if people want to call me a stoner or not because it really doesnt matter at the end of the day because i am who i am
  10. Were you born at lowes or home depot?

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