Stoner Lifters?

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Green Plant, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. Any stoners on here that happen to lift alot?
  2. i lifted myself out of bed this morning.
  3. I lift my mflb to my mouth thousands of times a week.
  4. I'm a "stoner lifter"..I lift 3-4 times a week, 3 hours each time. Lifting high if a pretty fun experience, provided you don't get lazy or the munchies.
  5. Do you mean lift weights or lifting (stealing)
  6. I think the OP means lifting as in weight lifting.:D
  7. oh, ok. Yeah, no. I used to steal but went to counseling for that. I used to go to the gym but I have no want to go workout it seems like a waste of time
  8. Disreguard everything I say. I'm a stoned dumbass :p
  9. i lift mind you im only getting started and my max is 225 lbs
  10. I'm not a "stoner" yet, but I lift. So in time i will be.

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