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Stoner Jobs

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by flashdave, Oct 1, 2010.

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  1. Hello everyone.

    This is my 1st post on this forum, I think the time is right.

    I have a question and a statement. 1st the statement.

    I think it is time we come "out of the closet" in a big way. How many successful people in the world smoke out?

    I believe there are MANY jobs out there that positively influenced by stoners. I believe there many rich successful people are there out there that are stoners.

    I think it is time we profile that. I think it is time that we in the marijuana smoking community, come together and show the world true stories of rich & successful stoners the world over. I think it is time we come together and promote creative interesting and fun jobs, to counter the demonizing propaganda of stoners being lazy and useless.

    I personally know computer programmers, artists & NON-Marijuana industry ceo's who live by the weed.

    So to my question,

    Am I the only one that feels this way? and Is there a market for a magazine or publication that profiles successful stoners and provides a network for the community to search and post jobs in?

    Would this be something that the stoner community would come out in support over? Is this something needed, right place right time?

    Obviously any new business needs help from the community to grow, I am just wondering if this is the right time and place for something like this.

    Your questions comments are greatly appreciated

  2. I believe the pizza industry is good for stoners, I called Pizza Hut once at like 11ish, and I could tell the guy was high, so I just told him to put anything that looked amazing on the pizza and deliver it.

    It was the best pizza of my life. Had so many random things on it, and he put these cinnamon things on top. It was random, but it was so damn good.

  3. If you think that ANYTHING by Pizza Hut is the "best", I can say with relative certainty that you've never been to Brooklyn. :hello:
  4. Anyone that spends most of their time driving, if I was a trucker i'd box that bad boy up for breakfast lunch and dinner then during my union break rip the bong at a truck stop lol then just cruise all over the country...maybe ill be a truck driver haha
  5. i believe any stoner can be successful if they put thier mind to it, me?
    i love growing.. so getting my bachelors in botany seems like a damn
    damn damn good idea.
  6. Honestly, I can't say I would hire people of that site, I wouldn't want employees coming into my workplace under the influence of anything, let alone a substance that is still illegal in most countries.

    I'm certainly of the opinion that in office and working environments being stoned inhibits somebodies productive capacity. This is from my own experience when I have been stoned at work.

    If I was an employer I'd say smoke all the 'erb you want out of my office I don't care, just don't smoke here or come to work baked.

    But your website looks pretty cool and maybe there are CEOs who think differently to me.
  7. Two words...Hot Topics. The couple of times that I have found good bud in Indiana, it was a worker at Hot Topics who gave me the hook up. Both my kids love to blow money in that store. So I'm in there once or twice a month. Hot Topics rules! I almost bought my wedding dress from them. No joke, and it was really beautiful too.
  8. Indeed I haven't, but honestly, this pizza was beautiful. I don't care how shitty it REALLY was, but the thing just looked so ridiculous it was amazing.

  9. well I think there is a difference between being stoned at work vs. smoking off the clock. What if the world stopped hiring people who drink outside of work?

    What I or anyone else does outside the work place that does not effect the work place is no ones business.

    Personally however there are some jobs that I would prefer a stoner. How would Jimmy Hendrix Purple Haze sound if he didn't smoke?

  10. Well drinking outside of work couldn't be less relevant because we are talking about in work, people get fired often for coming to work drunk.

    What is a common 'general population' job that you would prefer having your employee stoned?
  11. Stocking shelves in a grocery store? Recetly they move me to frozen so I freeze my nits off in there sucks like a motherfucker. I eat the ice cream that's "damaged" or in sellable mmhmm.

    I can reccommend anyone ice cream just by looking at them and correlate which flavor is best for them. For the fat chocolate women they love them ice cream with a little crunch in there. For the white moms they looking for weight watchers most of the time.
  12. Hey Wojtek, It's not a good idea. I was a long haul truck driver for 16 years. Sometimes I would forget where I was, or I had to turn around because I missed my delivery point. It was funny though.:smoke:
  13. I'm in a professional job and do not work out of my home (also something to add); but I don't smoke at or before work and would not want my employees smoking at work due to they deal with clients all day long.

    I think that if it was legal and not considered a DRUG and didn't have still a strong negative opinion more people would come forward on smoking in public. But even if it was legal tomorrow I'm sure I would still not let my employer or anyone within my company know I smoke for quite sometime.

    BUT the best jobs for stoners?

    I used to program databases for an insurance company and was baked all the time. GREAT job! Also any over the phone working in the house job is also ideal for stoners. And anything in the entertainment or food industry is something else that matches up with smoking.

    Would not recommend retail, sales, or heavy labor though.
  14. I think best types of jobs for someone who smokes is creating a small business for yourself. Anyone who is successfull in their work didn't get there by going HEY I'M A STONER! Pizza hut and stocking grocery stores aren't careers they are highschool an right outta highschool jobs or something you do to get thru college.
    I wouldn't want to be stoned an drive a long haul truck. Being sleepy is last thing you want to be while driving.
    If you showcase something for stoners to find jobs like that on you are going to end up with the lazy ass burnout stoners.
  15. I'm currently unemployed, but am seeking a job in the profession that I was trained for. And honestly, I would not want to be welding or be around someone that is welding high. It's just an accident waiting to happen.

    And to the OP...

    There's no difference weather you smash a fifth of everclear or smoke a bowl while your on break. I [at least in my profession] want to be performing at my best, as well as I want my co-workers to. It only takes one little brain fart to cause a nasty accident. (Trust me, I found out the hard way by being ingulfed in a ball of flame when someone didn't shut off the acetylene valve on an oxy rig)
  16. I would say that most of the richest got their start while smoking.......wonder if anyone ever asked b gates if he was blazing when he thought of windows....
  17. Lol !
  18. Lol

  19. Don't drive drink, don't drive stoned. Even if and when pot is legal driving stoned will be an ofense and righly so. Besides the eye/hand coordination problems you will forget where you are suposed to be going. You will pull up to a stop light, when it turn green you will not know which direction you need to go. LOL

  20. Speak for yourself. I'm actually a better driver baked, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Whenever I'm really really baked, my attention to detail sky rockets. I notice every detail of the world, the consistency of the air, the millions of shades of blue in the sky, and I can scope out cop cars from miles away.
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