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stoner inventions: what i'm building

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by theejuice, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. #1 theejuice, Oct 7, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2010
    Ok, so I don't wanna get into the logistics about this,I do what I do, I smoke inside alot. I have a very good draft going out of my room, even without fans. And I live in a building where it could potentially be a problem if smoke is seen blowing out of my window, and with winter coming, it also makes the breath clouds larger, upping the danger.

    I realized I needed some type of holding device for the smoke, like a collection drum, which can release it out my window in smaller quantities. and this is what I came up with:

    I made a prototype before drawing these plans up, and I ran into some problems.

    1. The place where the carboard tube comes into the reciever was leaky, but i was low on tape, so i used gum. If i get some electrical tape I can seal this, but i was also thinking about using some kind of cement or caulk, anyone have any suggestions?

    2. I also had trouble deciding whether the tube enters the receiver from the top or the bottom. the most logical way would be for it to come though the bottom, but this is not really practical, because my window is low. if it came through the top, this would allow it to be set on the windowsill and the smoke blown in through the top, of course the smoke will want to rise up the tube, perhaps a cap or something on the inlet end would solve this.

    I plan to build the real one tomorrow, once i pick up some more materials.

    I also considered other ideas, such as a tube system hooked up to some sort of bigger tube or funnel with a fan providing suction out the window, this would be a stationary system.

    I would appreciate any suggestions or input.

    I know this is probably just a waste of my time and stupid and unnecessary, but i love building shit!

    UPDATED 10/21/10



    The basic premise is that you put this in your window, and the fan draws air through the tube, then through the tanks and internal sploof pods and thins the smoke. This thing has some pretty good suction, it is capable of putting out a lighter flame about an inch away from the end of the tube. I went through a shitload of duct tape and hot glue on this thing.

    Here is where the smoke enters. Notice the internal sploof pods, which i made by rolling up activated carbon in dryer sheets and securing it with rubber bands. I'm not sure how effective these are, but I was forced to do this because initially I tried putting a sploof in the tube, but the system couldn't generate enough suction to pull smoke in on its own. I suppose one could, but you'd just have to blow harder into the tube.

    To mount the fan to the system, I simply modified the fan box.


    I also made an access door for the fan switch. I've also discovered that this works as a bypass if I don't need the system to be sucking air and I want the fan on, because this does cavitate the fan quite abit.


    Bottom view of system:


    All I need to do now is give it a cool name, any suggestions?

  2. Nice idea but I just use a fan in my window it pushes the smoke out and makes it dissipate.
  3. Yeah I use a fan most of the time too, I guess I'm just being paranoid. the smoke plumes aren't really a problem now, but I can foresee problems when the temp dips down to -30F.
  4. Sounds like a good idea to me my man, i just dont understand how the activated carbon sploof is supposed to let the smoke out in small doses? Maybe im just an idiot ... but is it just making a narrow entry way so that less smoke is able to travel out of it at once?
  5. The activated carbon does remove some opacity of the smoke, but you're right, its just the narrow outlet that lets the smoke out slowly. I also theorize that i could just blow my whole hit into the receiver and let it sit, and the smoke will (hopefully) trail out of the outlet slowly instead of a big cloud.
  6. That looks like a great idea :D

  7. It should i dont see why not, same concept if you left smoke in a bong just chilling, eventually it will eek itself out.

    I think it's a great idea man, and please post pictures of the final product/video of you using it in action :hello:
  8. holy shit dude, that looks crazy!! let us know how it works :smoking:

    Personally, I just use a window fan.
  9. I've used it a few times, it works pretty well, all you have to do is let the smoke out of your mouth within an inch of the end of the tube and it gets it the hell out of there
  10. the ciggerete cause that's what i thought it was -_- fuck i need to quit haha.
  11. ya hows it work? i was thinking of making like a reverse diffused sploof bong = D
    1. use a hallowed pen for a small tube. make little holes in it to diffuse , and leave the top part on.
    2. get a waterbottle and make a hole in the side just big enough for the pen.
    3. get another bottle , and put its mouthpiece on the first one and tape them together.
    4. put a little bit of water in the first one , just above the pen , and below the mouth piece.
    5. make a hole in the back of the second bottle and turn it into a sploof.
    so when you blow throught the pen , it diffuses in the first chamber. the pen is a small hole so it goes in slowly. then the diffused smoke does into the second bottle and comes out sploofed. you can just set it on the windowsil too.
    i make shit too = D
  12. Man, you have my respect for putting so much time and effort into this project, but you must be baked outta your head, ur diagram made me laugh so much, and all that duct tape is insane. I wish i could make things when im high.
  13. hahahahahaha :yay: all this to smoke weed :hello:

    respect :smoke:
  14. Or just buy a cheap vape?
  15. wow I was so confused at the diagram until I read NOT TO SCALE

    lol just kiddin, you musta been hella stoned

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